Out of Darkness (Nidaros Cathedral Choir, Sydnes)

- Titel: Out of Darkness (Nidaros Cathedral Choir, Sydnes) / DYRUD, T.. Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Dyrud, Torbjorn, Komponist -- Head, Sarah, Erzähler -- Nidaros Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Nilsen, Erlend Aagaard, Trompete -- Oien, Geir Morten, Trompete -- Sitter, Lars, Schlagwerk -- Sydnes, Vivianne
- Person(en): Dyrud, Torbjorn ; Dyrud, Torbjorn [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Nidaros Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: 2L, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Out of Darkness: Prologue: In the Beginning; First Reading: And it came to pass in those days that a decre went out from Ceasar Augustus; Scene 1, In the Garden of Gethsemane: They went to a place called Gethsemane; Scene 1, In the Garden of Gethsemane: Tristis est anima mea. Sustinete; Interlude I; ... / Dyrud, Torbjorn 00:55:31 --
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