Peter Maxwell Davies - A Portrait (DUNNETT)

- Titel: Peter Maxwell Davies - A Portrait (DUNNETT) / MAXWELL DAVIES. Armstrong, Richard -- BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Baker, Martin -- Christophers, Harry, Tenor -- Davies, Peter Maxwell, Komponist -- Eastman, Julius, Orgel -- Edwards, Juliet, Klavier -- Fires of London, The, Ensemble -- Gillett, Christopher, Tenor -- Hampton Court Chapel Royal Choir Boys, Chor -- Houssart, Robert, Orgel -- Jones, Della, Mezzosopran -- Jordan, Mark, Northumbrian Smallpipes -- Knowles, Gregory, Hackbrett -- Knussen, Oliver -- London Sinfonietta, Orchester -- London Symphony Chorus, Chor -- Maggini Quartet, Ensemble -- Morrison, Lewis, Klarinette -- Quinney, Robert, Orgel -- Rafferty, Michael -- Royal British Legion Central Band, Orchester -- Royal Military School of Music Ceremonial Trumpets, Ensemble -- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Scottish Chamber Opera Ensemble, Ensemble -- Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- St James's Palace Chapel Royal Choir Boys, Chor -- St Mary's School Choir, Edinburgh, Chor -- St Paul's Cathedral Choir Boys, Chor -- St. George's Chapel Choir Boys, Windsor, Chor -- Thomas, Kelvin, Bass -- Tyrrell, Lisa, Sopran -- Wales Music Theatre, Chor -- Welsh National Opera Chorus, Chor -- Welsh National Opera Orchestra, Orchester -- Westminster Abbey Choir Boys, Chor -- Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir, Chor -- Westminster Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Whelan, Paul, Bariton
- Person(en): Davies, Peter Maxwell [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): BBC Philharmonic Orchestra ; Fires of London, The ; Hampton Court Chapel Royal Choir Boys ; London Sinfonietta ; London Symphony Chorus ; Maggini Quartet ; Royal British Legion Central Band ; Royal Military School of Music Ceremonial Trumpets ; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; Scottish Chamber Opera Ensemble ; Scottish Chamber Orchestra ; St James's Palace Chapel Royal Choir Boys ; St Mary's School Choir, Edinburgh ; St Paul's Cathedral Choir Boys ; St. George's Chapel Choir Boys, Windsor ; Wales Music Theatre ; Welsh National Opera Chorus ; Welsh National Opera Orchestra ; Westminster Abbey Choir Boys ; Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir ; Westminster Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: A Portrait, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sonate für Trompete D-Dur / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:01:45 -- O magnum mysterium: No. 4. Carol: O Magnum Mysterium (version for 2-part choir); No. 5. Carol: Alleluia, pro Virgine Maria / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:03:50 -- Fantasie über ein Ground und 2 Pavanen: Pavan in A Major; Pavan in B-Flat Major / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:04:06 -- 8 Songs for a Mad King / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:05:23 -- Worldes Blis / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:07:21 -- All Sons of Adam / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:03:29 -- Stone Litany: Runes from a House of the Dead / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:05:24 -- The Martyrdom of St. Magnus / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:07:58 -- Image, Reflection, Shadow / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:08:16 -- 7 Songs Home: No. 2. At the Shore; No. 7. Home / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:04:34 -- Strathclyde-Konzert Nr. 4 / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:06:39 -- Cross Lane Fair: I. Introduction; II. Fairground; III. Ghost Train / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:05:09 -- Sinfonie Nr. 6 / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:13:21 -- The Doctor of Myddfai / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:15:06 -- Messe / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:08:12 -- De Assumtione Beatae Mariae Virginis (Eröffnung) / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:08:11 -- Commemoration Sixty / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:06:46 -- Naxos Quartett Nr. 6 / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:06:17 -- Max spricht: Ein aufgenommenes Interview (Auszug): 'I think my first musical memories…'; 'I think I've always read…'; 'I went to Orkney first in 1970…'; 'The ten Naxos Quartets…' / Davies, Peter Maxwell 00:26:35 --
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