
- Titel: STORY OF BRITISH CLASSICAL MUSIC (THE). Amps, Kym, Sopran -- Aradia Ensemble, Ensemble -- Arnold, Malcolm, Komponist -- Avison, Charles, Komponist -- Avison Ensemble, Ensemble -- BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Bax, Arnold, Komponist -- Bedford, Steuart -- Bennett, William Sterndale, Komponist -- Beznosiuk, Pavlo, Barockvioline -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Boyce, William, Komponist -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Bull, John, Komponist -- Byrd, William, Komponist -- Cappella Nova, Chor -- Carver, Robert, Komponist -- Cheek, John, Bass -- Christophers, Harry, Tenor -- City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus, Chor -- City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Coleridge, Mary, Dichter/Text -- Cornysh (II), William, Dichter/Text -- Crookes, Anna, Sopran -- Daniel, Paul -- Davies, Peter Maxwell, Komponist -- Delius, Frederick, Komponist -- Dowland, John, Komponist -- Downes, Edward -- Dunstable, John, Komponist -- English Northern Philharmonia, Orchester -- Field, John, Komponist -- Frith, Benjamin, Klavier -- Garrison, Jon, Tenor -- Gibbons, Orlando, Komponist -- Gray, Emily, Sopran -- Hardy, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Howard, William, Klavier -- Kang, Dong-Suk, Violine -- King, Catherine, Mezzosopran -- Lane, Carys-Anne, Sopran -- Langridge, Philip, Tenor -- Lawes, William, Komponist -- Linell, Dorothy, Laute -- Lloyd-Jones, David -- Maggini Quartet, Ensemble -- Makinson, Jeffrey, Orgel -- Mallon, Kevin, Violine -- Manchester Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Matthews, Colin, Komponist -- Orlando Consort, Ensemble -- Oxford Camerata, Chor -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Payne, Joseph, Orgel -- Penny, Andrew -- Pitts, Antony -- Prunyi, Ilona, Klavier -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Red Byrd, Chor -- Rickards, Steven, Countertenor -- Roberts, Timothy, Orgel -- Robinson, Faye, Sopran -- Robinson, Christopher -- Rose Consort of Viols, The, Ensemble -- Royal Ballet Sinfonia, Orchester -- Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Orchester -- Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus, Female members, Chor -- Scholars Baroque Ensemble, Ensemble -- Schubert Ensemble, Ensemble -- St. John's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Stanford, Charles Villiers, Komponist -- Stokes, Christopher -- Sullivan, Arthur, Komponist -- Summerly, Jeremy -- Tallis, Thomas, Komponist -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text -- Tavener, John, Komponist -- Tavener, Alan -- Taverner, John, Komponist -- Tippett, Michael, Komponist -- Tomkins, Thomas, Komponist -- Tonus Peregrinus, Chor -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Walker, Sarah, Mezzosopran -- Walton, William, Komponist -- Wass, Ashley, Klavier -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist -- Weir, Judith, Komponist -- Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, Komponist
- Person(en): Arnold, Malcolm [Komposition] ; Avison, Charles [Komposition] ; Bax, Arnold [Komposition] ; Bennett, William Sterndale [Komposition] ; Boyce, William [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Bull, John [Komposition] ; Byrd, William [Komposition] ; Carver, Robert [Komposition] ; Davies, Peter Maxwell [Komposition] ; Delius, Frederick [Komposition] ; Dowland, John [Komposition] ; Dunstable, John [Komposition] ; Field, John [Komposition] ; Gibbons, Orlando [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Lawes, William [Komposition] ; Matthews, Colin [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Komposition] ; Sullivan, Arthur [Komposition] ; Tallis, Thomas [Komposition] ; Tavener, John [Komposition] ; Taverner, John [Komposition] ; Tippett, Michael [Komposition] ; Tomkins, Thomas [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Walton, William [Komposition] ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition] ; Weir, Judith [Komposition] ; Wesley, Samuel Sebastian [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Aradia Ensemble ; Avison Ensemble ; BBC Philharmonic Orchestra ; Cappella Nova ; City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; English Northern Philharmonia ; Maggini Quartet ; Manchester Cathedral Choir ; Orlando Consort ; Oxford Camerata ; Queensland Symphony Orchestra ; Red Byrd ; Rose Consort of Viols, The ; Royal Ballet Sinfonia ; Royal Scottish National Orchestra ; Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus, Female members ; Scholars Baroque Ensemble ; Schubert Ensemble ; St. John's College Choir, Cambridge ; Tonus Peregrinus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Educational Products, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Thomas gemma Cantuarie primula 00:02:11 -- Ave Maria 00:02:45 -- Veni Sancte Spiritus et emitte / Veni Sancte Spiritus et infunde / Veni Creator Spiritus / Mentes tuorum JD 32 00:06:55 -- Missa Dum sacrum mysterium 00:02:52 -- A robyn, gentyl robyn 00:02:15 -- Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas 00:02:56 -- Salvator mundi 00:03:53 -- Ye sacred muses 00:03:46 -- As Vesta was, from Latmos hill descending 00:03:46 -- St. Thomas Wake Pavan and Galliard (Musica Britannica Buch 19 Nr. 126) 00:02:30 -- Liederbuch, Buch 4 "A Pilgrimes Solace": In Darkness Let Me Dwell 00:03:35 -- Hosanna to the son of David 00:02:50 -- Above the stars my Saviour dwells 00:03:50 -- Consortmusik a 5 a-Moll 00:02:59 -- Dido and Aeneas Z 626: Overture; Act I: Shake the cloud from off your brow (Belinda, Chorus); Act I: Ah! Belinda, I am press'd with torment (Dido) 00:06:50 -- Konzert D-Dur op. 6 Nr. 4: I. Andante; II. Allegro assai 00:03:34 -- Sinfonie Nr. 4 F-Dur op. 2 "Shepherd's Lottery" 00:03:27 -- Nocturne Nr. 10 e-Moll H. 46B 00:03:09 -- 3 Impromptus op. 12 00:03:21 -- Wash me throughly* 00:04:04 -- The Yeomen of the Guard: Ouvertüre 00:05:23 -- I was glad when they said unto me op. 51 (Psalm 122) 00:04:45 -- The Blue Bird 00:03:44 -- Sinfonie Nr. 2 Es-Dur op. 63 00:08:09 -- A Song before Sunrise 00:05:23 -- Country-Tune 00:02:14 -- Job 00:05:16 -- The Planets op. 32 00:06:07 -- Konzert für Violine 00:06:21 -- Winter Words op. 52: No. 6. Proud Songsters; No. 7. At the Railway Station, Upway; No. 8. Before Life and After 00:06:40 -- A Child of our Time: Part II: And a time came (Bass); Part II: Double Chorus of Persecutors and Persecuted: Away with them! (Double Chorus); Part II: Where they could, they fled (Bass); Part II: Chorus of the Self-righteous: We cannot have them in our Empire (Chorus); Part II: And the boy's mother wrote a letter (Bass); ... 00:05:50 -- Englische Tänze Serie 1 op. 27 00:02:51 -- Naxos Quartett Nr. 2 00:04:45 -- As one who has slept 00:04:18 -- Konzert für Klavier 00:04:31 -- Pluto, the Renewer 00:07:01 --
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