Round Time / From the depth of distance / Search Songs / Cancoes do Sonhador Solitario (Gulbenkian Orchestra, D.A. Miller)

- Titel: Round Time / From the depth of distance / Search Songs / Cancoes do Sonhador Solitario (Gulbenkian Orchestra, D.A. Miller) / TINOCO, L.. Camarinha, Raquel, Sopran -- Faria, Almeida, Dichter/Text -- Gulbenkian Orchestra, Orchester -- Miller, David Alan -- Pessoa, Fernando, Dichter/Text -- Quintans, Ana, Sopran -- Suh, Yeree, Sopran -- Tinoco, Luís, Komponist -- Whitman, Walt, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Tinoco, Luís ; Tinoco, Luís [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Gulbenkian Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos 21st Century Classics, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Round Time / Tinoco, Luís 00:14:38 -- From the depth of distance / Tinoco, Luís 00:16:53 -- Search Songs: I. Towards the End; II. Justice; III. Sunset Song; IV. The Lip - V. Early Fragments / Tinoco, Luís 00:14:46 -- Cancoes do Sonhador Solitario (Lieder des einsamen Träumers): I. Um Livro (A Book); II. Sonhador Feliz (Happy Dreamer); III. Qualquer Encontro (Any Meeting); IV. O Anjo da Agua (The Angel of Water) / Tinoco, Luís 00:20:20 --
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