Blossom Street - BINGHAM, J. / CLARKE, R. / HOLST, I. / MACONCHY, E. / PANUFNIK, R. / WEIR, J. (This Day)

- Titel: Blossom Street - BINGHAM, J. / CLARKE, R. / HOLST, I. / MACONCHY, E. / PANUFNIK, R. / WEIR, J. (This Day) / Choral Concert. Andrew, Kerry, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bingham, Judith, Komponist -- Blossom Street, Chor -- Bowers, Vanessa, Sopran -- Campbell, Hilary -- Clarke, Rebecca, Komponist -- Conner, Stef, Komponist -- Crossley-Holland, Kevin, Dichter/Text -- Davies, Melissa, Sopran -- Elgar, Caroline Alice Roberts, Dichter/Text -- Frye, Mary Elizabeth, Dichter/Text -- Hildegard of Bingen,, Komponist -- Holst, Imogen, Dichter/Text -- Joseph, Jane M., Komponist -- Kipling, Rudyard, Dichter/Text -- Lapwood, Anna, Orgel -- Lawrance, Hannah, Klarinette -- LeFanu, Nicola, Komponist -- Maconchy, Elizabeth, Komponist -- Martin, Ellie, Sopran -- McDowall, Cecilia, Komponist -- Nashe, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Panufnik, Roxanna, Komponist -- Poston, Elizabeth, Komponist -- Rossetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Thomas, Phillipa, Mezzosopran -- Thwaite, Annabel, Klavier -- Weir, Judith, Komponist -- Wenman, Emily, Sopran -- Willis, Alison, Komponist
- Person(en): Andrew, Kerry [Komposition] ; Bingham, Judith [Komposition] ; Clarke, Rebecca [Komposition] ; Conner, Stef [Komposition] ; Hildegard of Bingen, [Komposition] ; Joseph, Jane M. [Komposition] ; LeFanu, Nicola [Komposition] ; Maconchy, Elizabeth [Komposition] ; McDowall, Cecilia [Komposition] ; Panufnik, Roxanna [Komposition] ; Poston, Elizabeth [Komposition] ; Weir, Judith [Komposition] ; Willis, Alison [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Blossom Street
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Regular CD NRE, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Water of Tyne (version for treble choir) 00:02:36 -- Holy Innocents 00:04:17 -- Misterium mirabile 00:04:09 -- O splendidissima gemma 00:04:20 -- Night-time Songs 00:04:46 -- Come home little sister 00:05:58 -- The Ghost of Combermere Abbey 00:05:34 -- A little Childe there is ibore 00:03:44 -- Ave Maria 00:03:15 -- Song of the Dane Women 00:06:03 -- As I sat under a holly tree 00:01:29 -- The Sweet Spring 00:04:31 -- Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep 00:03:09 -- This Day 00:01:42 --
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