
- Titel: Anthems / WEELKES. Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Cooper, Gary, Tafelklavier -- Hunnis, William, Dichter/Text -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Oxford Camerata, Chor -- Summerly, Jeremy -- Weelkes, Thomas, Komponist
- Person(en): Weelkes, Thomas ; Weelkes, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Oxford Camerata
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Early Music, 1996
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Hosanna to the Son of David / Weelkes, Thomas 00:01:50 -- Give ear, O Lord / Weelkes, Thomas 00:05:38 -- All people clap your hands / Weelkes, Thomas 00:01:50 -- What joy so true / Weelkes, Thomas 00:05:11 -- O Lord, grant the king a long life / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:10 -- Lord, to thee I make my moan / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:42 -- All laud and praise / Weelkes, Thomas 00:06:30 -- Lachrimae / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:41 -- Death hath deprived me / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:37 -- Passymeasures Pavan (Morley) / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:09 -- Gloria in excelsis Deo / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:27 -- When David heard / Weelkes, Thomas 00:04:02 -- Give the king thy judgements / Weelkes, Thomas 00:05:18 -- O Lord, arise / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:18 -- O how amiable are thy dwellings / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:25 -- Most mighty and all-knowing Lord / Weelkes, Thomas 00:02:36 -- Alleluia, I heard a voice / Weelkes, Thomas 00:03:05 --
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