Songs and Folk Songs (Gaspar, Moreso, Guimarães, Vieira de Almeida)

- Titel: Songs and Folk Songs (Gaspar, Moreso, Guimarães, Vieira de Almeida) / LOPES-GRAÇA, F.. Casais Monteiro, Adolfo, Dichter/Text -- Gaspar, Susana, Sopran -- Guimarães, Fernando, Tenor -- Jardim, Adriano, Dichter/Text -- Lopes-Graça, Fernando, Komponist -- Moreso, Cátia, Mezzosopran -- Rodrigues, Armindo, Dichter/Text -- Vicente, Gil, Dichter/Text -- Vieira de Almeida, Nuno, Klavier
- Person(en): Lopes-Graça, Fernando [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Regular CD NRE, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 4 Cantos do Natal (4 Christmas Songs), Op. 97: No. 1. Ó meu menino Jesus (Oh my baby Jesus); No. 2. Vinde Pastores (Come, you shepherds); No. 3. Estando a Virgem (The Virgin was); No. 4. Ó meu menino tão lindo (Oh my beautiful baby) / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:09:07 -- 3 Poemas de Adolfo Casais Monteiro (3 Poems by Adolfo Casais Monteiro), Op. 12: No. 1. Música (Music); No. 2. Poemas das mãos tombadas (Hands Fallen Down); No. 3. Marcha triunfal (Triumphal March) / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:05:04 -- 10 Canções populares húngaras (10 Hungarian Songs), Op. 87: No. 1. Kertünk alatt (Under our garden they dig a hole); No. 2. Jeruzsálem Kapujában (At Jerusalem's gates); No. 3. Tegnap jártam zabaratni (Yesterday I reaped the oats); No. 4. A gyirmóti magas torony (The tall tower of Gyirmót); No. 5. Ideki a Csengébe (Out here in Csenge); ... / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:16:08 -- 2 Romances de Armindo Rodrigues (2 Romances by Armindo Rodrigues), Op. 47: No. 1. Romance das três meninas no laranjal (Romance of Three Girls in an Orange Grove); No. 2. Romance dos sete cavaleiros (Romance of the Seven Horsemen) / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:05:38 -- 9 Chansons populaires russes (9 Russian Folk Songs), Op. 66: No. 1. Moissonneur! (Reapers!); No. 2. La mal-mariée (The Ill-married); No. 3. Je m'en irai (I am leaving); No. 4. Sur la rivière (On the river of Kozanka); No. 5. Poussière de neige (Snowflake); ... / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:24:36 -- As 3 canções de Olívia (The Three Olivia Songs), Op. 20: No. 1. Desalento (Dismay); No. 2. O bordado (The Embroidery); No. 3. Distância (Distance) / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:04:15 -- 4 Novos cantos do Natal (4 New Christmas Songs): No. 1. Em Belém (In Bethlehem); No. 2. Dia de festa (Holiday); No. 3. Cantiga à Virgem (Song to the Virgin); No. 4. Vós sois Cristo (You are Christ) / Lopes-Graça, Fernando 00:10:07 --
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