Anthems (King's College Choir, Leonhardt)

- Titel: Anthems (King's College Choir, Leonhardt) / PURCELL, H.. Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bowman, James, Countertenor -- Egmond, Max van, Bariton -- King's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Leonhardt, Gustav, Cembalo -- Leonhardt Consort, Ensemble -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Rogers, Nigel, Tenor
- Person(en): Purcell, Henry ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): King's College Choir, Cambridge ; Leonhardt Consort
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Teldec, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Rejoice in the Lord alway Z 49 "Bell Hymn" / Purcell, Henry 00:08:56 -- Blow up the Trompete in Sion Z 10 / Purcell, Henry 00:07:48 -- O God, thou art my God Z 35 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:19 -- Chaconne g-Moll Z 730 / Purcell, Henry 00:05:10 -- O God, thou hast cast us out Z 36 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:30 -- My heart is inditing Z 30 / Purcell, Henry 00:16:53 -- Remember not, Lord, our offences Z 50 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:06 --
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