Purcell Essentials

- Titel: Purcell Essentials. Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Orchester -- Antonini, Giovanni -- Arts Florissants, Les, Orchester -- Arts Florissants Chorus, Les, Ensemble -- Baum, Kevin, Tenor -- Baumont, Olivier, Cembalo -- Berg, Nathan, Bassbariton -- Beschi, Paolo, Violoncello -- Bianchi, Marco, Violine -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Blackadder, David, Posthorn -- Borden, Barbara, Sopran -- Bott, Catherine, Sopran -- Brady, Nicholas, Dichter/Text -- Brua, Claire, Mezzosopran -- Capriccio Stravagante, Ensemble -- Chance, Michael, Countertenor -- Chanticleer, Chor -- Christie, William -- Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Daneman, Sophie, Sopran -- Dawson, Lynne, Sopran -- Doni, Riccardo, Cembalo -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Elliott, Paul, Tenor -- Elwes, John, Tenor -- English Baroque Soloists, Ensemble -- Fisher, Gillian, Sopran -- Fortin, Olivier -- Fouchécourt, Jean-Paul, Tenor -- Fuller, William, Dichter/Text -- Gardiner, John Eliot -- Gens, Véronique, Sopran -- Giardino Armonico, Il, Ensemble -- Gordon, Brian, Alt -- Graham, Susan, Mezzosopran -- Hardy, Rosemary, Sopran -- Hill, Martyn, Tenor -- Jo, Sumi, Sopran -- Johannel, Francoise, Harfe -- Koopman, Ton, Orgel -- Le Blanc, Suzie, Sopran -- Leonhardt, Gustav, Cembalo -- Leonhardt Consort, Ensemble -- Marin-Degor, Sophie, Sopran -- Monteverdi Choir, Chor -- Monteverdi Orchestra, Orchester -- Méchaly, Gaëlle, Sopran -- Onofri, Enrico, Violine -- Parker, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Pianca, Luca, Laute -- Priday, Elisabeth, Sopran -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Ross, Gillian, Sopran -- Rubingh, Henk, Violine -- Sempé, Skip, Cembalo -- Settle, Elkanah, Dichter/Text -- Shadwell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Smith, Jennifer, Sopran -- Stafford, Ashley, Countertenor -- Sullivan, Mark, Bass -- Tampieri, Alessandro, Viola -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text -- Thomas, David, Bass -- Tragicomedia, Ensemble -- Varcoe, Stephen, Bariton -- White, Jay, Countertenor
- Person(en): Purcell, Henry ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra ; Arts Florissants, Les ; Arts Florissants Chorus, Les ; Capriccio Stravagante ; Chanticleer ; Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra ; English Baroque Soloists ; Giardino Armonico, Il ; Leonhardt Consort ; Monteverdi Choir ; Monteverdi Orchestra ; Tragicomedia
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Abdelazer oder Die Rache des Mohren Z 570: Suite / Purcell, Henry 00:01:32 -- Funeral Music for Queen Mary II. (Trauermusik) Z 860i: Man that is born of a woman; March; Canzona; In the midst of life we are in death; Thou knowest, Lord; ... / Purcell, Henry 00:16:54 -- King Arthur or The British Worthy Z 628 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:29 -- Sonate für Trompete D-Dur Z. 850: I. Allegro; II. Adagio; III. Allegro / Purcell, Henry 00:04:06 -- Come, ye sons of art away Z 323: Ritornello; Sound the Trumpet / Purcell, Henry 00:05:35 -- Dido and Aeneas Z 626 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:48 -- Oedipus, King of Thebes Z 583 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:35 -- O dive custos Auriacae domus Z. 504 / Purcell, Henry 00:06:35 -- King Arthur or The British Worthy Z 628: Act II Scene 2: Symphony; Act III Scene 2: What ho, thou Genius of this isle (Cupid); Act III Scene 2: What power art thou, who from below, hast made me rise (Genius), "Cold Song"; Act III Scene 2: See, see, we assemble thy revels to hold (Chorus); Act III Scene 2: Tis I, tis I, 'tis I, that have warm'd ye (Cupid, Chorus); ... / Purcell, Henry 00:15:05 -- Hail, bright Cecilia Z 328 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:25 -- Remember not, Lord, our offences Z 50 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:50 -- Musick’s Hand-maid, 2. Teil: A New Scotch Tune C-Dur Z 655 / Purcell, Henry 00:01:00 -- A new Irish Tune (Lilliburlero) G-Dur Z 646 / Purcell, Henry 00:00:56 -- Rejoice in the Lord alway Z 49 "Bell Hymn" / Purcell, Henry 00:08:09 -- Dido and Aeneas Z 626: Overture; Act II Scene 1: Prelude for the Witches; Act II Scene 1: The Queen of Carthage, whom we hate (Sorceress); Act II Scene 1: But, ere we this perform (First and Second Witches); Act II Scene 1: In our deep vaulted cell (Chorus); ... / Purcell, Henry 00:09:36 -- The Indian Queen Z 630 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:02 -- The Old Batchelor Z 607: Hornpipe e-Moll / Purcell, Henry 00:00:52 -- Ground d-Moll Z D222 / Purcell, Henry 00:01:55 -- Chaconne g-Moll Z 730 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:45 -- Fantasie D-Dur Z 731 (Three Parts upon a Ground) / Purcell, Henry 00:04:38 -- Fantasie für Gambe Nr. 9 a-moll Z 740 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:34 -- A New Ground e-Moll Z T682 (bearb. für Kammerensemble) / Purcell, Henry 00:02:38 -- Now that the sun hath veiled his light Z. 193 "An Evening Hymn on a Ground" / Purcell, Henry 00:04:59 -- Hear my prayer, O Lord Z 15 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:26 -- My heart is inditing Z 30 / Purcell, Henry 00:15:55 -- The Tempest Z 631 "The Enchanted Island": Act IV: Dance of Devils; Act IV: The Sailor's Dance; Act V: No stars again shall hurt you (Amphitrite, Neptune, Chorus) / Purcell, Henry 00:07:07 -- The Fairy Queen Z 629: Act V: Thrice happy lovers (Juno); Act V: O let me ever, ever weep (A Nymph) / Purcell, Henry 00:09:33 --
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