Choral Music - BACH, J.S. / DICKSON, S. / ELVEY, G.J. / KNECHT, J.H. (Ruwe stormen mogen woeden) (Urker Zangers, Het Urker Mannenkoor)

- Titel: Choral Music - BACH, J.S. / DICKSON, S. / ELVEY, G.J. / KNECHT, J.H. (Ruwe stormen mogen woeden) (Urker Zangers, Het Urker Mannenkoor). Adkins, Grace Reese, Komponist -- Albinus, Johann Georg, Dichter/Text -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Baker, H., Komponist -- Bastiaans, Johannes Gijsbertus, Komponist -- Besten, Ad den, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bishop, Henry, Komponist -- Bishop, Henry Rowley, Komponist -- Boberg, Carl Gustaf, Dichter/Text -- Bode, Frits -- Bortniansky, Dmitry Stepanovich, Komponist -- Brahe, May, Komponist -- Bridges, Matthew, Dichter/Text -- Burger, Casparus Bernardus, Dichter/Text -- Christelijk Dameskoor "Laus Deo", Chor -- Christelijk Gemengd Koor Excelsior, Chor -- Christelijk Mannenkoor "Emmeloord", Chor -- Cook, Elaine Humphreys, Dichter/Text -- Crosby, Fanny, Dichter/Text -- De Heer, Johannes, Komponist -- Dickson, Stanley, Komponist -- Dijkes, J.B., Komponist -- Dykstra, B.D., Dichter/Text -- Elvey, George Job, Komponist -- Franck, Johann Wolfgang, Komponist -- Funcke, Friedrich, Komponist -- Gerdes, Eduard, Dichter/Text -- Gewin, Everard Egidius, Dichter/Text -- Havergal, Frances Ridley, Dichter/Text -- Het Urker Mannenkoor "Hallelujah", Chor -- Jong, David de, Dichter/Text -- Knapp, Phoebe, Komponist -- Knecht, Justin Heinrich, Komponist -- Lyte, Henry Francis, Dichter/Text -- Malotte, Albert Hay, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- McGranahan, James, Komponist -- Monk, William Henry, Komponist -- Newman, John Henry, Dichter/Text -- O'Reilly, P.J., Dichter/Text -- Osterwald, Karl Wilhelm, Dichter/Text -- Parker, Tom, Komponist -- Purday, Charles Henry, Komponist -- Rosenmüller, Johann, Komponist -- Scharten, Karel, Dichter/Text -- Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter, Komponist -- Tersteegen, Gerhard, Dichter/Text -- Toplady, Augustus Montague, Dichter/Text -- Urker Brassband Valerius, Ensemble -- Urker Zangers, Chor -- Waals, Jacqueline van der, Komponist -- White, Josh, Gesang -- Whittle, Daniel Webster, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Adkins, Grace Reese [Komposition] ; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Baker, H. [Komposition] ; Bastiaans, Johannes Gijsbertus [Komposition] ; Bishop, Henry [Komposition] ; Bishop, Henry Rowley [Komposition] ; Bortniansky, Dmitry Stepanovich [Komposition] ; Brahe, May [Komposition] ; De Heer, Johannes [Komposition] ; Dickson, Stanley [Komposition] ; Dijkes, J.B. [Komposition] ; Elvey, George Job [Komposition] ; Franck, Johann Wolfgang [Komposition] ; Funcke, Friedrich [Komposition] ; Knapp, Phoebe [Komposition] ; Knecht, Justin Heinrich [Komposition] ; Malotte, Albert Hay [Komposition] ; McGranahan, James [Komposition] ; Monk, William Henry [Komposition] ; Parker, Tom [Komposition] ; Purday, Charles Henry [Komposition] ; Rosenmüller, Johann [Komposition] ; Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter [Komposition] ; Waals, Jacqueline van der [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Christelijk Dameskoor "Laus Deo" ; Christelijk Gemengd Koor Excelsior ; Christelijk Mannenkoor "Emmeloord" ; Het Urker Mannenkoor "Hallelujah" ; Urker Brassband Valerius ; Urker Zangers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Te Deum, 1995
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Take My Life, And Let It Be (Sung in Dutch) (arr. K.J. Mulder for male choir and organ) 00:03:17 -- Psalm 75 (arr. F. Bode for choir and organ) 00:02:27 -- Intrada adoramus 00:04:52 -- Crown Him with Many Crowns (Sung in Dutch) 00:01:53 -- Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me (Sung in Dutch) 00:04:34 -- De heer is mijn herder (arr. for brass ensemble) 00:01:49 -- Thanks Be to God 00:02:57 -- Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn (Sung in Dutch) 00:02:53 -- Blessed Assurance 00:02:37 -- Daar ruist langs de wolken 00:03:15 -- Heilig, heilig, heilig (arr. for brass ensemble) 00:02:11 -- Psalm 108:1-2 00:05:05 -- Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147: Chorale: Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring) (Sung in Dutch) 00:03:22 -- Ruwe stormen mogen woeden (arr. for brass ensemble) 00:02:32 -- Domine salvam fac 00:03:27 -- Das Gebet des Herrn 00:02:50 -- Roll Jordan Roll 00:03:48 -- How Great Thou Art (Sung in Dutch) 00:02:58 -- Lead, Kindly Light (Sung in Dutch) 00:04:08 -- Cantate: Laudate 00:06:35 -- Psalm 140:1, 7, 13 00:02:42 -- O God, die vol van liefde zijt 00:02:43 -- O du mein Trost und süsses Hoffen (Sung in Dutch) 00:03:50 -- Bless This House 00:02:37 -- Rock My Soul 00:02:24 -- The Ten Virgins (Sung in Dutch) 00:02:40 -- March On 00:02:05 -- Sanctus 00:02:33 -- Psalm 42 00:03:12 -- I'll Wish I Had Given Him More 00:03:46 -- Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe (Sung in Dutch) 00:03:59 -- There Shall Be Showers of Blessing (Sung in Dutch) 00:02:10 -- Psalm 85:1, 3-4 00:06:02 -- Als de dag van recht en wond'ren (Sung in Dutch) 00:03:43 -- Abide with Me (Sung in Dutch) 00:03:01 -- Stay with Me Till the Morning (after W.A. Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K. 622: II. Adagio) (Sung in Dutch) (arr. for choir) 00:03:17 -- Beveel gerust uw wegen (arr. for brass ensemble) 00:02:13 -- Geef uw lot in handen van de Vader 00:04:05 -- Steal Away 00:03:15 -- Lord, I Want to Die Easy 00:04:31 --
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