Harnoncourt Conducts Handel

- Titel: Harnoncourt Conducts Handel. Alexander, Roberta, Sopran -- Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Chor -- Baumann, Ludwig, Bariton -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Coin, Christophe, Violoncello -- Concentus Musicus Wien, Orchester -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Equiluz, Kurt, Tenor -- Esswood, Paul, Alt -- Gale, Elizabeth, Sopran -- Hamilton, Newburgh, Dichter/Text -- Hampson, Thomas, Bariton -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Harnoncourt, Alice, Violine -- Harnoncourt, Nikolaus -- Haym, Nicola, Dichter/Text -- Hobarth, Erich, Violine -- Hollweg, Werner, Tenor -- Jennens, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Kennedy, Roderick, Bass -- Kowalski, Jochen, Countertenor -- Langridge, Philip, Tenor -- Lipovšek, Marjana, Alt -- Mitterer, Anita, Viola -- Morell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Moser, Thomas, Tenor -- Murray, Ann, Mezzosopran -- Palmer, Felicity, Alt -- Popp, Lucia, Sopran -- Stockholm Bach Choir, The, Chor -- Stockholm Chamber Choir, Chor -- Tachezi, Herbert, Orgel -- Venuti, Maria, Sopran -- Vienna State Opera Chorus, Chor -- Zylberajch, Aline, Cembalo
- Person(en): Handel, George Frideric ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Arnold Schoenberg Choir ; Concentus Musicus Wien ; Stockholm Bach Choir, The ; Stockholm Chamber Choir ; Vienna State Opera Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Teldec, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Messias, Der, HWV 56: Teil I: Sinfonie; Teil I: Rezitativ: Comfort ye my people; Teil I: Arie: Every valley shall be exalted; Teil I: For unto a child is born (Chor); Teil I: Arie: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:29:58 -- Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17*: Act III Scene 6: Da tempeste (Cleopatra); Act III Finale: Ritorni omai nel nostro core (Tutti) / Handel, George Frideric 00:09:43 -- Concerto Grosso in C Major, HWV 318, "Alexander's Feast" / Handel, George Frideric 00:03:39 -- Alexander's Feast, HWV 75 / Handel, George Frideric 00:03:59 -- Samson, HWV 57, Akt III: Let the Bright Seraphim: Act III Scene 3: Proceed we hence to find his body (Manoah) - A Dead March: The body comes (Micah, Manoah); Act III Scene 3: Air, Soli, Chorus and Recitative: Glorious hero, may thy grave (Manoah, Israelites, Israelite Woman, Virgins); Act III Scene 3: Air: Let the bright seraphim in burning row (Israelite Woman); Act III Scene 3: Chorus: Let their celestial concerts all unite (Israelites) / Handel, George Frideric 00:15:29 -- Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op. 6, No. 5, HWV 323*: I. [Larghetto e staccato] —; II. Allegro; III. Presto; IV. Largo —; I. Allegro; ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:16:18 -- Organ Concerto No. 3 in G Minor, Op. 4, No. 3, HWV 291: I. Adagio; II. Allegro; III. Adagio; IV. Gavotte: Allegro / Handel, George Frideric 00:09:37 -- Saul, HWV 53: Akt III Szene 5: Gird on thy Sword, thou Man of Might (Chor); Akt I Szene 5: Arie: O Lord, whose Mercies numberless (David); Akt III Szene 5: Marsch: Grave / Handel, George Frideric 00:12:12 -- Wassermusik: Suite Nr. 1 in F-Dur, HWV 348 / Handel, George Frideric 00:03:50 -- Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76 / Handel, George Frideric 00:08:43 -- Theodora, HWV 68: Act I Scene 1: Chorus: And draw a blessing down (Chorus of Heathens); Act I: Kind Heav'n if Virtue be thy care; Act III Scene 7: Chorus: Oh love devine, thou source of fame (Chorus of Christians) / Handel, George Frideric 00:08:00 -- Te Deum in D Major, "Utrecht" / Handel, George Frideric 00:02:36 -- Apollo e Dafne, HWV 122 / Handel, George Frideric 00:03:06 -- Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act II Scene 1: See, from his post Euphrates flies (Chorus); Act I: Aria: Oh sacred oracles of truth / Handel, George Frideric 00:11:47 -- Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op. 3, No. 6, HWV 317: I. Vivace; II. Allegro; II. Adagio / Handel, George Frideric 00:07:37 -- Jephtha, HWV 70: Act III Scene 2: Ye house of Gilead (Chorus); Act I Scene 7: When his loud voice in thunder spoke (Chorus) / Handel, George Frideric 00:07:56 --
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