HANDEL EDITION, VOL. 7 - Choral Music (Popp, Concert Association of the Vienna State Opera Chorus, Concentus Musicus Wien, Harnoncourt)

- Titel: HANDEL EDITION, VOL. 7 - Choral Music (Popp, Concert Association of the Vienna State Opera Chorus, Concentus Musicus Wien, Harnoncourt). Alexander, Roberta, Sopran -- Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Chor -- Baumann, Ludwig, Bariton -- Concentus Musicus Wien, Orchester -- Concert Association of the Vienna State Opera Chorus, Chor -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Equiluz, Kurt, Tenor -- Esswood, Paul, Alt -- Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, Bariton -- Gale, Elizabeth, Sopran -- Hamilton, Newburgh, Dichter/Text -- Hampson, Thomas, Bariton -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Harnoncourt, Nikolaus -- Haym, Nicola, Dichter/Text -- Hölle, Matthias, Bass -- Jennens, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Langridge, Philip, Tenor -- Lipovšek, Marjana, Alt -- Moser, Thomas, Tenor -- Murray, Ann, Mezzosopran -- Palmer, Felicity, Alt -- Popp, Lucia, Sopran -- Roberts, Stephen, Bariton -- Rolfe-Johnson, Anthony, Tenor -- Stockholm Bach Choir, The, Chor -- Várady, Júlia, Sopran -- Wildhaber, Helmut, Tenor
- Person(en): Handel, George Frideric ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Arnold Schoenberg Choir ; Concentus Musicus Wien ; Concert Association of the Vienna State Opera Chorus ; Stockholm Bach Choir, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Classics, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Saul HWV 53: Sinfonia: Allegro; Act I Scene 1: How excellent Thy name, O Lord (Chorus); Act I Scene 1: Air: An Infant rais'd by thy Command (Soprano); Act I Scene 1: Trio: Along the Monster Atheist strode (Chorus); Act I Scene 1: The Youth inspir'd by Thee, O Lord (Chorus); ... / Handel, George Frideric 02:13:31 -- Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part I: Overture; Part I: Recitative: 'Twas at the Royal Feast (Tenor); Part I: Aria: Happy, happy, happy pair (Tenor, Chorus); Part I: Recitative: Timotheus, plac'd on high (Tenor); Part I: The song began from Jove (Soprano); ... / Handel, George Frideric 01:26:12 -- Ode für den St. Cecilias Tag HWV 76: Overture - From Harmony, from heavn'ly Harmony - When Nature underneath a heap of jarring atoms lay (Tenor); Recitative: From Harmony, from heav'nly Harmony (Tenor); Air: What passion cannot Music raise (Soprano); Air and Chorus: The trumpet's loud clangour (Tenor, Chorus); March; ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:49:38 -- Te Deum D-Dur "Utrecht": We praise Thee, O God (Chorus); All the earth doth worship Thee (Chorus); To Thee all angels cry aloud (Soprano, Tenor 1, Tenor, 2, Tenor 3, Contralto, Bass, Chorus); To Thee Cherubin and Seraphin (Soprano, Tenor 1, Tenor, 2, Tenor 3, Contralto, Bass, Chorus); The glorious company (Soprano, Tenor 1, Tenor, 2, Tenor 3, Contralto, Bass, Chorus); ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:24:57 -- Apollo e Dafne HWV 122: Recitativo: La terra e liberata; Aria: Pende il ben dell'universo; Recitativo: Ch'il superbetto Amore; Aria: Spezza l'arco e getta l'armi; Aria: Felicissima quest'alma; ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:36:55 -- Giulio Cesare in Egitto HWV 17*: Overture: Grave - Allegro; Act I Scene 1: Viva il nostro Alcide (Chorus); Act I Scene 1: Aria: Presto omai (Cesare); Act I Scene 4: Aria: Priva son d'ogni conforto (Cornelia); Act I Scene 4: Recitative: Vani sono i lamenti (Sesto); ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:58:31 --
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