Sacred Service for the Sabbath Evening (excerpts) / A Tale of Abram and Isaac

- Titel: Sacred Service for the Sabbath Evening (excerpts) / A Tale of Abram and Isaac / ZAIMONT. Adler, Samuel, Komponist -- Aler, John, Tenor -- Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin), Orchester -- Boatman, Timm, Tubular Bells -- Cowan, Martha, Sopran -- Diamond, Theresa, Glockenspiel -- Ernst Senff Choir, Chor -- Everest Quartet, Ensemble -- Kohler, Margaret Bishop, Mezzosopran -- Laudibus, Chor -- Lester, Harold, Orgel -- Lucey, Frances, Sopran -- Maddalena, James, Bariton -- Mariner, Rodney, Erzähler -- Owen, Wilfred, Dichter/Text -- Ruskin Ensemble, Ensemble -- Scarlata, Randall, Bariton -- Schwarz, Gerard -- Southern California Choral Society, Chor -- Strimple, Nick -- Wheeler, Kimball, Sopran -- Zaimont, Judith Lang, Komponist
- Person(en): Adler, Samuel [Komposition] ; Zaimont, Judith Lang [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin) ; Ernst Senff Choir ; Everest Quartet ; Laudibus ; Ruskin Ensemble ; Southern California Choral Society
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos American Jewish Music, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sacred Service for the Sabbath Evening: I. The Lord Reigneth (Psalm 97); II. Meditation and Aria: God and Father; IV. Why do we deal treacherously?; VI. Aria: O Lord, how can we know Thee?; VII. Sh'ma yisra'el; ... / Zaimont, Judith Lang 00:29:29 -- A Woman of Valor / Zaimont, Judith Lang 00:06:39 -- A Tale of Abram and Isaac / Zaimont, Judith Lang 00:16:35 -- Meditations at the Time of the New Year: I. Dawn; II. Hope / Zaimont, Judith Lang 00:13:05 --
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