
- Titel: MASTERWORKS OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Aeolian Chamber Players, Ensemble -- Arel, Bulent, Komponist -- Ashley, Robert, Gesang -- Babbitt, Milton, Komponist -- Bergamo, John, Schlagwerk -- Berio, Luciano, Komponist -- Boston Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Boulez, Pierre -- Brandeis University Chamber Chorus, Chor -- Bryn-Julson, Phyllis, Sopran -- Cage, John, Komponist -- Char, René, Dichter/Text -- Crumb, George, Komponist -- Davidovsky, Mario, Komponist -- DeGaetani, Jan, Mezzosopran -- Del Tredici, David, Komponist -- Dufallo, Richard -- El-Dabh, Halim, Komponist -- Ensemble Musique Vivante, Ensemble -- Faber, Lothar, Oboe -- Feldman, Morton, Komponist -- Festival Chamber Ensemble, Ensemble -- García Lorca, Federico, Dichter/Text -- Gazzelloni, Severino, Flöte -- Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman, Komponist -- Ichiyanagi, Toshi, Komponist -- Ives, Charles, Komponist -- Joyce, James, Dichter/Text -- Kirkpatrick, John, Klavier -- Leinsdorf, Erich -- Lucier, Alvin -- Luening, Otto, Komponist -- Macalester College Little Chorus, Chor -- Maderna, Bruno, Komponist -- Miller, Robert, Klavier -- Minton, Yvonne, Mezzosopran -- Mitchell, Danlee -- Morton, Ian -- Neuhaus, Max, Schlagwerk -- New Philharmonia Orchestra, string section, Orchester -- Newband, Ensemble -- Nono, Luigi, Komponist -- Oliveros, Pauline, Komponist -- Ozawa, Seiji -- Partch, Harry, Komponist -- Penn Contemporary Players, Ensemble -- Pollikoff, Max, Violine -- Rome Symphony Orchestra, members, Ensemble -- Schuller, Gunther, Komponist -- Stannard, John, Tenor -- Stockhausen, Karlheinz, Komponist -- Stravinsky, Igor, Komponist -- Takahashi, Yuji, Komponist -- Takemitsu, Toru, Komponist -- Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Ussachevsky, Vladimir, Komponist -- Wernick, Richard -- Xenakis, Iannis, Komponist
- Person(en): Arel, Bulent [Komposition] ; Babbitt, Milton [Komposition] ; Berio, Luciano [Komposition] ; Cage, John [Komposition] ; Crumb, George [Komposition] ; Davidovsky, Mario [Komposition] ; Del Tredici, David [Komposition] ; El-Dabh, Halim [Komposition] ; Feldman, Morton [Komposition] ; Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman [Komposition] ; Ichiyanagi, Toshi [Komposition] ; Ives, Charles [Komposition] ; Luening, Otto [Komposition] ; Maderna, Bruno [Komposition] ; Nono, Luigi [Komposition] ; Oliveros, Pauline [Komposition] ; Partch, Harry [Komposition] ; Schuller, Gunther [Komposition] ; Stockhausen, Karlheinz [Komposition] ; Stravinsky, Igor [Komposition] ; Takahashi, Yuji [Komposition] ; Takemitsu, Toru [Komposition] ; Ussachevsky, Vladimir [Komposition] ; Xenakis, Iannis [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Aeolian Chamber Players ; Boston Symphony Orchestra ; Brandeis University Chamber Chorus ; Ensemble Musique Vivante ; Festival Chamber Ensemble ; Macalester College Little Chorus ; New Philharmonia Orchestra, string section ; Newband ; Penn Contemporary Players ; Rome Symphony Orchestra, members ; Toronto Symphony Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Sony Classical, 2015
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Le marteau sans maître: No. 1. Avant l'artisanat furieux; No. 2. Commentaire I de bourreaux de solitude; No. 3. L'artisanat furieux; No. 4. Commentaire II de bourreaux de solitude; No. 5. Bel édifice et les pressentiments (version 1); ... 00:36:10 -- Livre pour cordes: 1a. Variation; 1b. Mouvement 00:10:38 -- Asterism 00:11:45 -- Requiem 00:07:47 -- Grün 00:05:41 -- Dorian Horizon 00:09:05 -- Agon 00:20:36 -- 7 Studien nach Themen von Paul Klee: No. 1. Antike Harmonien (Antique Harmonies); No. 2. Abstraktes Trio (Abstract Trio); No. 3. Kleiner blauer Teufel (Little Blue Devil); No. 4. Die Zwitschermaschine (The Twittering-Maschine); No. 5. Arabische Stadt (Arab Village); ... 00:20:57 -- Sonate für Klavier Nr. 2 "Concord, Mass. 1840-60" "Concord Sonate": I. Emerson; II. Hawthorne; III. The Alcotts; IV. Thoreau 00:37:57 -- Sonate für Klavier Nr. 2 "Concord, Mass. 1840-60" "Concord Sonate": I. Emerson; I. Emerson (most of recapitulation) (excerpts); II. Hawthorne; III. The Alcotts; I. Emerson (Transcription No. 1 with Interpolated Improvisations); ... 00:18:56 -- Vox Balaenae (Voice of the Whale) 00:20:20 -- Night of the Four Moons: I. La luna esta muerta, muerta …; II. Cuando sale la luna; III. Otro Adan oscuro esta sonando …; IV. Huye luna, luna, luna! 00:17:34 -- Makrokosmos II: Part I: I. Morning Music (Cancer); Part I: II. The Mystic Chord (Sagittarius); Part I: III. Rain-Death Variations (Pisces); Part I: IV. Twin Suns (Gemini); Part II: V. Ghost-Nocturne: For the Druids of Stonehenge (Virgo); ... 00:30:48 -- Daphne of the Dunes 00:17:25 -- Barstow: 8 Hitchhikers' Inscriptions 00:09:20 -- Castor and Pollux, a Dance for the Twin Rhythms of Gemini 00:16:20 -- Partch in Prologue (Adapted Viola) 00:03:54 -- Chromelodeon I 00:02:29 -- Kithara 00:01:08 -- Harmonic Canon II 00:00:47 -- Diamond Marimba 00:01:30 -- Bass Marimba 00:01:22 -- Cloud-Chamber Bowls 00:01:52 -- Spoils of War 00:01:56 -- Surrogate Kithara 00:01:24 -- Kithara II 00:01:21 -- Boo 00:01:55 -- Harmonic Canon I 00:01:15 -- Zymo-Xyl 00:01:42 -- Mazda Marimba 00:01:35 -- Gourd Tree and Cone Gongs 00:01:50 -- Partch in Epilogue (Hand Instruments) 00:03:00 -- Sound Patterns 00:04:02 -- North American Time Capsule 1967 00:10:18 -- Solos für Gesang 2 00:12:52 -- That Morning Thing 00:05:46 -- Extended Voices 00:11:05 -- Chorus and Instruments II 00:05:05 -- Christian Wolff in Cambridge 00:03:48 -- Akrata 00:12:00 -- Syzygy 00:24:30 -- Zyklus Werk Nr. 9 00:11:36 -- Fontana Mix 00:10:20 -- Lux aeterna 00:13:37 -- Stereo Electronic Music No. 1 00:10:28 -- Leiyla and the Poet 00:05:20 -- Creation Prologue 00:08:09 -- Komposition für Synthesizer 00:10:36 -- Elektronische Studie Nr. 1 00:05:50 -- Gargoyles 00:09:21 -- Ensembles for Synthesizer 00:10:38 -- Sonatine 00:12:58 -- Interpolation 00:04:51 -- Konzert für Oboe Nr. 1 00:18:52 -- 3 Epitaffi per Federico Garcia Lorca 00:16:17 -- Serenata I 00:10:38 --
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