Mavra [Opera] (Belinck, Kolk, Rideout, Simmons, CBC Symphony, R. Craft)

- Titel: Mavra [Opera] (Belinck, Kolk, Rideout, Simmons, CBC Symphony, R. Craft) / STRAVINSKY, I.. Albert, Adrienne, Mezzosopran -- Allen, Mildred, Sopran -- Belinck, Susan, Sopran -- CBC Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Columbia Percussion Ensemble, Ensemble -- Craft, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Gregg Smith Singers, Chor -- Ithaca College Concert Choir, Chor -- Kochno, Boris, Dichter/Text -- Kolk, Stanley, Tenor -- Litten, Jack, Tenor -- Metcalf, William, Bass -- Rideout, Patricia, Erzähler -- Simmons, Mary, Sopran -- Stravinsky, Igor, Komponist
- Person(en): Stravinsky, Igor ; Stravinsky, Igor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): CBC Symphony Orchestra ; Columbia Percussion Ensemble ; Gregg Smith Singers ; Ithaca College Concert Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Sony Classical, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Mavra: Net, ne zabyt' vo veki mne pokoynitsu; Zhelayu zdravstvovat'!; Gde tak dolgo ty byla?; Parasha! - Ya, Vasiliy milyy!; Ya pamyat'yu ne izmenyu; ... / Stravinsky, Igor 00:27:37 -- Les Noces (Die Hochzeit) (Fassung von 1923): Part II Scene 4: The wedding feast (Chorus, Bridegroom's father, Bride's mother, Bridesmaid, Best man, Guests, Friends); Part I Scene 1: The Bride's chamber (Bride, Bridesmaids, Mother); Part I Scene 2: At the Bridegroom's (Friends, Parents, Bridegroom, Chorus); Part I Scene 3: The Bride's departure (Chorus, Bride, Parents) / Stravinsky, Igor 00:23:01 --
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