Wonderful World (A)

- Titel: Wonderful World (A) / BOYLE, Susan. Andersson, Benny, Akkordeon -- Bolton, Michael, Gesang -- Boyle, Susan, Gesang -- Bryden, Nell, Komponist -- Carson, Wayne, Komponist -- Chambers, Guy, Komponist -- Christopher, Johnny, Komponist -- Cole, Nat King, Dichter/Text -- Harline, Leigh, Komponist -- Heyman, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Horner, James, Komponist -- James, Mark, Komponist -- Laine, Denny, Komponist -- Leonard, Patrick, Dichter/Text -- Madonna,, Komponist -- Mann, Barry, Komponist -- Mascall, Patrick, Komponist -- Masterson, Cliff -- McCartney, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Thiele, Bob, Komponist -- Ulvaeus, Bjorn, Komponist -- Washington, Ned, Dichter/Text -- Weil, Cynthia, Dichter/Text -- Weiss, George David, Komponist -- Williams, Robbie, Dichter/Text -- Young, Victor, Komponist
- Person(en): Bryden, Nell [Komposition] ; Carson, Wayne [Komposition] ; Chambers, Guy [Komposition] ; Christopher, Johnny [Komposition] ; Harline, Leigh [Komposition] ; Horner, James [Komposition] ; James, Mark [Komposition] ; Laine, Denny [Komposition] ; Madonna, [Komposition] ; Mann, Barry [Komposition] ; Mascall, Patrick [Komposition] ; Thiele, Bob [Komposition] ; Ulvaeus, Bjorn [Komposition] ; Weiss, George David [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Sony Classical, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: What a Wonderful World (arr. C. Masterson) 00:03:39 -- When I Fall in Love (arr. C. Masterson) 00:03:06 -- Angels 00:03:55 -- An Americal Tail: Somewhere Out There (arr. C. Masterson) 00:03:32 -- I Have a Dream (arr. S. Anderson and C. Masterson) 00:04:08 -- Always On My Mind (arr. C. Masterson) 00:04:05 -- May You Never Be Alone (arr. S. Anderson and C. Masterson) 00:03:50 -- Mull of Kintyre (arr. C. Masterson) 00:03:37 -- Like a Prayer (arr. S. Anderson and C. Masterson) 00:03:22 -- Pinocchio: When You Wish Upon a Star (arr. C. Masterson) 00:03:35 --
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