Suiten und Konzerte

- Titel: Suiten und Konzerte / MUFFAT. Armonico Tributo Austria, Ensemble -- Duftschmid, Lorenz, Viola da gamba -- Muffat, Georg, Komponist
- Person(en): Muffat, Georg ; Muffat, Georg [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Armonico Tributo Austria
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: CPO, 1998
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Suite Nr. 8 E-Dur "Indissolubilis Amititia" (Unzertrennliche Freundschaft): I. Ouverture; II. Un Fantome (A Phantom); III. Les Canaries; IV. Les Paisans (The Peasants); V. Les Gendarmes (The Riders); ... / Muffat, Georg 00:11:04 -- Concerto grosso Nr. 5 D-Dur "Saeculum" (Centennial): I. Sonata: Grave; II. Allegro; III. Allemanda: Largo; IV. Grave; V. Gavotta: Alla breve ma non presto; ... / Muffat, Georg 00:10:44 -- Suite d-Moll "Nobilis Juventus" (Edle Jugend): I. Ouverture; II. Air pour les Hollandais; III. Gigue pour des Anglois; IV. Menuet pour des Francois; V. Entree de Maitres d'armes (Entrance of the Fencing Masters); ... / Muffat, Georg 00:13:34 -- Ciacona Propitia Sydera (Lucky Stars) / Muffat, Georg 00:08:50 -- Großes Konzert Nr. 6 a-Moll "Quis hic" (Wer ist da?): I. Sonata: Grave - Presto; II. Aria: Allegro - Presto - Grave - Presto; III. Grave; V. Borea: Alla breve, ma poco grave / Muffat, Georg 00:07:57 -- Concerto grosso Nr. 8 F-Dur "Coronatio Augusta": I. Sonata: Grave; II. Allemanda - Largo; III. Grave; IV. Gavotta: Alla breve ma non presto; V. Rondeau - Allegro; ... / Muffat, Georg 00:10:56 --
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