How Pleasant 'tis to Love! (Scherzi Musicali, Achten)

- Titel: How Pleasant 'tis to Love! (Scherzi Musicali, Achten) / PURCELL, H.. Achten, Nicolas, Bariton -- Betterton, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Brady, Nicholas, Dichter/Text -- D'Urfey, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Fuller, William, Dichter/Text -- Mechelen, Reinoud van, Tenor -- Norton, Richard, Dichter/Text -- Philips, Katherine, Dichter/Text -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Scherzi Musicali, Ensemble -- Settle, Elkanah, Dichter/Text -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Purcell, Henry ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Scherzi Musicali
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Alpha, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Come, ye sons of art away Z 323 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:23 -- Ah! how pleasant 'tis to love Z 353 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:04 -- O solitude, my sweetest choice Z 406 / Purcell, Henry 00:05:33 -- A Choice Collection of Lessons: Suite Nr. 7 d-Moll Z 668 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:36 -- The Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian Z 627 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:45 -- The Indian Queen Z 630 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:48 -- A Choice Collection of Lessons: Suite Nr. 7 d-Moll Z 668 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:07 -- Oedipus, King of Thebes Z 583 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:17 -- Pausanius, the Betrayer of his Country Z 585 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:58 -- A New Ground e-Moll Z T682 (bearb. für Kammerensemble) / Purcell, Henry 00:02:29 -- Hail, bright Cecilia Z 328 / Purcell, Henry 00:03:52 -- The Comical History of Don Quixote Z 578 / Purcell, Henry 00:05:31 -- The Old Batchelor Z 607: Hornpipe e-Moll / Purcell, Henry 00:01:03 -- The Indian Queen Z 630: Act IV: Prelude and Song: They Tell Us That Your Mighty Powers; Act III: Duet: Ah! How Happy We Are / Purcell, Henry 00:06:38 -- The Fairy Queen Z 629 / Purcell, Henry 00:06:56 -- Ground d-Moll Z D222 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:35 -- Round d-Moll / Purcell, Henry 00:01:39 -- Come, ye sons of art away Z 323 / Purcell, Henry 00:02:05 -- A Choice Collection of Lessons: Suite Nr. 4 a-Moll Z 663 (bearb. für Harfe) / Purcell, Henry 00:00:55 -- Hail, bright Cecilia Z 328 / Purcell, Henry 00:04:23 -- Now that the sun hath veiled his light Z. 193 "An Evening Hymn on a Ground" / Purcell, Henry 00:05:06 --
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