FOR EVER FORTUNE - Scottish Music in the 18th Century (Getchell, Musiciens de Saint-Julien, Lazarevitch)

- Titel: FOR EVER FORTUNE - Scottish Music in the 18th Century (Getchell, Musiciens de Saint-Julien, Lazarevitch). Burns, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Carolan, Turlough, Komponist -- Christie, William -- Getchell, Robert, Tenor -- Gillespie, James, Komponist -- Gow, Nathaniel, Komponist -- Lazarevitch, François, Flöte -- McDonald, Malcolm, Komponist -- McDonald, P., Komponist -- McGibbon, William, Komponist -- Morison, Jane Fraser, Komponist -- Musiciens de Saint-Julien, Les, Ensemble -- Oswald, James, Komponist -- Ramsay, Allan, Dichter/Text -- Thompson, William, Komponist -- Wilson, Thomas, Orgel -- Young, David, Komponist
- Person(en): Carolan, Turlough [Komposition] ; Gillespie, James [Komposition] ; Gow, Nathaniel [Komposition] ; McDonald, Malcolm [Komposition] ; McDonald, P. [Komposition] ; McGibbon, William [Komposition] ; Morison, Jane Fraser [Komposition] ; Oswald, James [Komposition] ; Thompson, William [Komposition] ; Young, David [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Musiciens de Saint-Julien, Les
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Alpha, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Saw na ye my Peggie 00:03:01 -- Johnnie Cope - Lauchlan's Lilt [18. Jahrhundert] 00:03:24 -- MacCrimmon's Lament (bearb. für Flöte und Barockharfe) [18. Jahrhundert] 00:02:34 -- Princess Royal - For Ever Fortune 00:03:59 -- Mrs. Judge 00:01:51 -- John Anderson My Jo [18th century] 00:03:16 -- Kennet's Dream (18. Jh.) 00:03:45 -- Sonate über schottische Melodien 00:03:42 -- The Fyket - Miss Bisset Logierait's reel - Was ye at the Bridal - The Cadgers of the Cannongate 00:02:40 -- Benny Side 00:02:51 -- Pearlin Peggie's Bonny 00:02:24 -- The Gwin gad Albor [Gairdyn-Manuscript, 18. Jahrhundert] 00:02:00 -- Kellosavel Kallion kirkossa, Op. 65b (arr. für Tenor Solo und Klavier) 00:02:32 -- For our lang biding here - Joy gae wi' my love - The Flaughter Spade - Patrick MacDonald's Jig 00:04:51 -- Loch-Erroch Side [Agnes Hume's manuscript, 1704] 00:01:54 -- The Flower of Edinburgh - Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure 00:03:01 -- Lochaber 00:04:42 -- Muirland Willie 00:03:46 -- Moc Donogh's lamentation (bearb. für 2 Theorben, Harfe und Viola da gamba) 00:04:11 -- The Wawking of the faulds - I wish I wou'd marry me - An Caora crom - Ratha fair Haud the lass till I come at her - Clean Peas Strae (18. Jh.) 00:05:31 --
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