Songs (Complete) (Gonzales, Oyón)

- Titel: Songs (Complete) (Gonzales, Oyón) / ALBÉNIZ, I.. Albéniz, Isaac, Komponist -- Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo, Dichter/Text -- Costa de Beauregard, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Gonzales, Adriana, Sopran -- Loti, Pierre, Dichter/Text -- Marquesa de Bolaños, , Dichter/Text -- Money-Coutts, Francis Burdett, Dichter/Text -- Musset, Alfred de, Dichter/Text -- Oyón, Iñaki Encina, Klavier
- Person(en): Albéniz, Isaac ; Albéniz, Isaac [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Audax Records, 2021
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Rimas de Bécquer: No. 1. Besa el aura que gime blandamente (The Softly Murmuring Air); No. 2. Del salón en el ángulo oscuro (In a dark corner of the drawing room); No. 3. Me ha herido recatándose en la sombra (She wounded me as she hid in the shadows); No. 4. Cuando sobre el pecho inclinas (When you lay your melancholy brow); No. 5. ¿De dónde vengo? (From where do I come?); ... / Albéniz, Isaac 00:06:36 -- 6 Baladas: No. 1. Barcarola; No. 2. La lontananza; No. 6. T'ho riveduta in sogno (I Saw You Again in a Dream); No. 5. Morirò!! (I Shall Die!!); No. 4. Il tuo sguardo (Your gaze); ... / Albéniz, Isaac 00:15:28 -- Chanson de Barberine / Albéniz, Isaac 00:02:30 -- To Nellie: No. 1. Home; No. 2. Counsel; No. 3. May Day Song; No. 4. To Nellie; No. 5. A Song of Consolation; ... / Albéniz, Isaac 00:11:54 -- 6 Songs: No. 1. Art thou gone for ever, Elaine?; No. 3. Will You Be Mine?; No. 4. Separated!; No. 5. The Caterpillar; No. 6. The Gifts of the Gods; ... / Albéniz, Isaac 00:13:23 -- Il en est de l'amour (Love is like so many things) / Albéniz, Isaac 00:02:27 -- 2 Morceaux de prose (2 Prose Excerpts): No. 1. Crépuscule (Twilight); No. 2. Tristesse (Sadness) / Albéniz, Isaac 00:04:21 -- 4 Mélodies: No. 4. Amor, Summa Injuria; No. 1. In Sickness and Health; No. 2. Paradise Regained; No. 3. The Retreat / Albéniz, Isaac 00:13:27 --
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