American Repertory Singers - DELONG, R.P. / FERKO, F. / MARSHALL, J. / NESTOR, L. (Sounding Joy)

- Titel: American Repertory Singers - DELONG, R.P. / FERKO, F. / MARSHALL, J. / NESTOR, L. (Sounding Joy) / Choral Concert. American Repertory Singers, Ensemble -- Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Carter, John, Komponist -- DeLong, Richard Paul, Komponist -- Ferko, Frank, Komponist -- Gramann, Fred, Komponist -- Hagen, Daron Aric, Komponist -- Kierkegaard, Søren, Dichter/Text -- Major, Douglas, Orgel -- Mann, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Marshall, Jane, Englischhorn -- Morgan, Justin, Komponist -- Nestor, Leo -- Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Dichter/Text -- Vaughan, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Walker, Gwyneth Van Anden, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Willis, Wallace, Komponist
- Person(en): Carter, John [Komposition] ; DeLong, Richard Paul [Komposition] ; Ferko, Frank [Komposition] ; Gramann, Fred [Komposition] ; Hagen, Daron Aric [Komposition] ; Morgan, Justin [Komposition] ; Walker, Gwyneth Van Anden [Komposition] ; Willis, Wallace [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): American Repertory Singers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: ARSIS Audio, 1996
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sounding Joy (bearb. von G. V. A. Walker für Chor) 00:02:19 -- Steal Away (bearb. von R. Arnatt für Chor) 00:08:18 -- O Lord, Increase Our Faith 00:02:03 -- There Is a Country 00:02:33 -- And Peace at the Last 00:02:42 -- To Rise Beyond the Stars 00:02:57 -- Who Is She Ascends So High? 00:03:53 -- Little Prayers: No. 1. Almighty Father, Incline Thine Ear; No. 2. Our Father, Who Art in Heaven; No. 3. Why Do You Seek Rest?; No. 4. We May Be Heroic; No. 5. Lord, God in Heaven; ... 00:07:23 -- Still, Still with Thee 00:06:07 -- A Sermon on Wisdom 00:05:12 -- I Was Glad 00:02:44 -- I Will Give Thanks 00:03:35 -- O Gracious Light, "Phos hilaron" 00:05:45 -- Of Hospitality 00:01:38 -- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (bearb. von J. Carter für Chor) 00:03:41 -- Song of Simeon, "Nunc dimittis" 00:02:30 -- Festival Te Deum 00:05:03 --
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