
- Titel: CHRISTMAS ALBUM (A). Ahlbeck, Laura, Oboe -- Auden, Wystan Hugh, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Boston Church of the Advent Choir, Chor -- Brown, George Mackay, Dichter/Text -- Brownfield, Susan, Mezzosopran -- Donne, John, Dichter/Text -- Dwyer, Mark, Orgel -- Elowitch, Jennifer, Violine -- Floyd, Carlisle, Komponist -- Hardy, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Harvard Glee Club, Chor -- Ho, Edith -- Ives, Charles, Komponist -- Ives, Edith Osborne, Dichter/Text -- Kirkpatrick, William J., Komponist -- Konicek, Denise, Sopran -- Leong, Kevin -- Lister, Rodney, Komponist -- McDermott, Kevin, Tenor -- Owen, Kevin, Horn -- Susa, Conrad, Komponist -- Thomson, Virgil, Komponist -- Westbrook-Geha, Mary, Mezzosopran -- Wilbur, Richard, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Floyd, Carlisle [Komposition] ; Ives, Charles [Komposition] ; Kirkpatrick, William J. [Komposition] ; Lister, Rodney [Komposition] ; Susa, Conrad [Komposition] ; Thomson, Virgil [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Boston Church of the Advent Choir ; Harvard Glee Club
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: ARSIS Audio, 1999
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Nativitie 00:03:09 -- Choral 00:03:24 -- The Stones 00:04:35 -- The Holly and the Ivy 00:03:50 -- Remember Adam's Fall 00:02:15 -- A Christmas Carol 00:02:30 -- The Oxen - To the Meads 00:03:44 -- 2 Marian Carols: I Sing of a Maiden 00:02:24 -- Edith Osborne Ives (Weihnachtslied) 00:03:04 -- Long, Long Ago 00:01:54 -- Song for the Stable 00:02:04 -- Scenes from the Holy Infancy: I. Joseph and the Angel; II. The Wise Men; III. The Flight into Egypt 00:12:15 -- Kings and Shepherds: Sonata I, Epiphany Poem, Sonata II; They Came to an Inn, Sonata III, Carol; Kings and Shepherds; Midnight Words, Sonata IV, Christmas Poem 00:19:23 -- The Holly and the Ivy (bearb. von R. Lister) 00:02:46 -- The Truth from Above (bearb. von R. Lister) 00:04:21 -- Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (bearb. von R. Lister) 00:01:47 -- Away in a Manger (bearb. von R. Lister) 00:03:10 --
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