Romances, Opp. 46, 62, 121 / 4 Verses of Captain Lebyadkin / 4 Monologues (Gluboky, Rassudova)

- Titel: Romances, Opp. 46, 62, 121 / 4 Verses of Captain Lebyadkin / 4 Monologues (Gluboky, Rassudova) / SHOSTAKOVICH, D.. Burns, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Gluboky, Peter, Bass -- Pushkin, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Raleigh, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Rassudova, Natalia, Klavier -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Shostakovich, Dmitry, Komponist
- Person(en): Shostakovich, Dmitry [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Brilliant Classics, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 4 Romanzen op. 46 (Fassung für Gesang und Klavier): No. 1. Renaissance; No. 2. Weeping Bitterly, a Jealous Maid Reproached a Young Man; No. 3. Anticipation; No. 4. Stanzas / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:14:00 -- 6 Romanzen op. 62: No. 3. Macpherson's Farewell; No. 4. Jenny; No. 5. Sonnet No. 66 by W. Shakespeare; No. 6. The King's Campaign; No. 2. Oh Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:16:58 -- 4 Monologe op. 91: No. 1. Otrivok (A Fragment); No. 2. Shto v imeni tebe moyom? (What's In My Name To You?); No. 3. Vo glubine sibirskih rud (In the Depth to the Siberian Mines); No. 4. Proschanie (Parting) / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:14:49 -- 5 Romanzen op. 121: No. 2. A dream difficult to realise; No. 1. Autographic testimony; No. 3. Discretion; No. 5. Exaggerated pleasure; No. 4. Irinka and the shepherd; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:11:36 -- 4 Verse von Captain Lebyadkin op. 146: No. 1. The love of Capitaine Lebiadkine; No. 2. The Cockroach; No. 3. The ball for the benefit of Governesses; No. 4. A radiant personality / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:13:59 --
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