Dido and Aeneas [Opera] / GALLIARD, J.E.: Pan and Syrinx [Opera] (N. Wemyss, M. Baker, Zomer, Pantus, Musica Ad Rhenum, J. Wentz)

- Titel: Pan and Syrinx [Opera] (N. Wemyss, M. Baker, Zomer, Pantus, Musica Ad Rhenum, J. Wentz) / PURCELL, H.. Baker, Matthew, Bass -- Clarke, Penni, Sopran -- Galliard, John Ernst, Komponist -- Graham, Pauline, Sopran -- Heijden, Francine van der, Sopran -- Kim, Yong-hee, Sopran -- Linden, Joost van der, Tenor -- Musica Ad Rhenum Choir, Chor -- Musica ad Rhenum, Ensemble -- Naessens, Hugo, Alt -- Pantus, Marc, Bass -- Poorthuis, Maaike, Mezzosopran -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Rasker, Helena, Kontraalt -- Sandler, Mitchell, Bariton -- Shadwell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Steur, René, Bass -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text -- Theobald, Lewis, Dichter/Text -- Wemyss, Nicola, Sopran -- Wentz, Jed, Flöte -- Zomer, Johannette, Sopran -- Zook, Richard, Tenor
- Person(en): Galliard, John Ernst [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Musica Ad Rhenum Choir ; Musica ad Rhenum
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Brilliant Classics, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Dido and Aeneas Z 626: Overture; Act I: Shake the cloud from off your brow (Belinda, Chorus); Act I: Ah! Belinda, I am press'd with torment (Dido, Belinda, Second Woman,); Act I: Grief increases by concealing (Belinda, Dido); Act I: Whence could so much virtue spring? (Dido, Belinda); ... 00:55:15 -- Pan and Syrinx: Part I: Overture; Part II: Overture; Part III: Overture; Part IV: Overture; On Sunny Hills, In Gloomy Shades; ... 00:57:28 -- Timon of Athens or The Man-Hater Z 632: A Symphony of Pipes Imitating the Chirping of Birds; Duet: Hark how the songsters; Love in their little veins (Cupid); Trio: But ah! How much are our delights; Solo: Hence with your trifling deity (Bass); ... 00:19:18 --
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