
- Titel: Filmmusik / SCHOSTAKOWITSCH, D.. Berlin Radio Choir, Chor -- Berlin Radio Choir, members, Chor -- Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin), Orchester -- Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Orchester -- Grin, Leonid -- Judd, James -- Jurowski, Michail -- Kachur, Swetlana, Sopran -- Katchour, Svetlana, Sopran -- Kazatchouk, Wladimir, Tenor -- RIAS Chamber Chorus, Chor -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Shostakovich, Dmitry, Komponist -- Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich, Dichter/Text -- Sulejmanow, Stanislaw, Bass -- Zaremba, Jelena, Mezzosopran
- Person(en): Shostakovich, Dmitry ; Shostakovich, Dmitry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Berlin Radio Choir ; Berlin Radio Choir, members ; Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin) ; Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin ; RIAS Chamber Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Capriccio, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Hamlet Suite op. 116a (bearb. von L. Atovmyan für Orchester): V. Scene of the Poisoning; IV. In the Garden; III. The Ghost; II. Ball at the Palace; I. Introduction; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:35:07 -- Die Stechfliege Suite op. 97a (bearb. von L. Atovmyan für Orchester): XII. Finale; XI. Scena; X. Nocturne; IX. Interlude; VIII. Romance; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:43:59 -- Noviy Vavilon (Neues Babylon) op. 18: Act VIII; Act VII; Act VI; Act V; Act IV; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 01:24:23 -- Pyat'dney-pyat' nochey (Fünf Tage - Fünf Nächte) op. 111a (bearb. von L. Atovmyan für Orchester): V. Finale; IV. Interlude; III. The Liberation of Dresden; II. Dresden in Ruins; I. Introduction; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:30:27 -- Korol' Lir (König Lear) op. 58a: Gloster's Blinding; Scene on the Steppe; The Storm is Coming Up; Act I: Finale; Fanfare 4; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:25:53 -- Korol' Lir (König Lear) op. 137: Signal No. 1 - No. 5; Prelude: The March of Time: Adagio; Lear's Castle: Adagio; No. 52: Moderato; The Catastrophe begins: Adagio; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:27:40 -- Zoya Suite op. 64a (bearb. von L. Atovmyan für Orchester): I. Song about Zoya; II. Military Problem; III. Tragedy of a Loss; IV. Hero's Victory; V. The Heroine's Immortality; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:30:27 -- Padeniye Berlina (Der Fall von Berlin) Suite op. 82a (bearb. von L. Atovmyan für Orchester): I. Prelude; II. Scene at the River; III. Attack; IV. In the Garden; V. Storming Seelow Heights; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:30:48 -- Zlatiye gori (Goldene Berge) Suite op. 30a: I. Introduction: Moderato; II. Waltz: Andante; III. Fugue: Largo - Allegro; IV. Intermezzo: Andante; V. Funeral March: Largo; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:23:26 -- Yunost' Maksima (Die Jugend von Maxim) op. 41: Ouvertüre / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:02:26 -- Maxim Triologie Suite op. 50a (bearb. von L. Atovmyan für Chor und Orchester): I. Introduction: Courage, my friends: Moderato; II. Attack: Allegro; III. Death of the Old Worker: Adagio; IV. Waltz: Allegro sostenuto; V. Demonstration: Allegretto; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:28:02 -- Viborgskaya storona (Viborg Bezirk) op. 50 / Shostakovich, Dmitry 00:04:15 -- Odna (Allein) op. 26 (rekonstruiert von M. Fitz-Gerald): Reel 1, Kuzmina in Leningrad: March, "The Street"; Reel 4, Kuzmina Starts Teaching the Local Children: The Village Chairman Drinks Tea with His Wife; Reel 5, Kuzmina Teaches in the Open Air: The Children Play and Dance with Her; Reel 5, Kuzmina Teaches in the Open Air: The Bai and the Sheep Trader, a Sheep is Slaughtered; Reel 5, Kuzmina Teaches in the Open Air: Kuzmina Protests; ... / Shostakovich, Dmitry 01:14:13 --
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