Interruptions II / Watts 1965 A Remembrance / 2 Songs / Love Songs / 4 Medieval Songs (Radiance in Motion) (D. Taylor, Grimes, G. Newton)

- Titel: Interruptions II / Watts 1965 A Remembrance / 2 Songs / Love Songs / 4 Medieval Songs (Radiance in Motion) (D. Taylor, Grimes, G. Newton) / PRICE, D.N.. Au, Mary, Klavier -- Book of Mormon, , Dichter/Text -- Bowen, Robert T., Dichter/Text -- Giraut de Bornelh, Komponist -- Gregory, Lisa Berlacher, Violine -- Gregory, M. Kent, Saxophon -- Grimes, David, Gitarre -- Inoue, Chika, Alt-Saxophon -- Kato, Roland, Viola -- Newton, Gregory, Gitarre -- Ollivier, Sylvie, Klavier -- Price, Deon Nielsen, Komponist -- Price, Berkeley, Klarinette -- Riquier, Guiraut, Komponist -- Taylor, Darryl, Countertenor -- Toren-Immerman, Limor, Violine -- Whitman, Walt, Dichter/Text -- Wrobel, Nora Chiang, Klavier
- Person(en): Giraut de Bornelh [Komposition] ; Price, Deon Nielsen [Komposition] ; Riquier, Guiraut [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Cambria, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Interruptions II / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:08:45 -- Watts 1965 A Remembrance / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:08:56 -- 2 Songs on Texts by Walt Whitman: No. 1. Song of the Exposition; No. 2. The Hermit Thrush / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:08:19 -- Love Songs: No. 1. The Connection; No. 2. Love / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:05:21 -- 4 Medieval Songs: No. 1. Reis Glorios; No. 2. Pus Sabers; No. 3. Salve, Virgo Regina; No. 4. Alegria / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:06:06 -- Spiritual Songs: Believe!; Whither Can I Go From Your Presence?; The Light of Man / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:07:18 -- Ancient Carols: I. Sions Daughter; II. Dors Dors; III. Wonder Tidings / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:07:46 -- Villa di Fontani: I. Serenade; II. Radiance; III. Mechanical Art / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:12:08 -- 3 Faces of Kim / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:05:17 -- Augury / Price, Deon Nielsen 00:07:58 --
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