Americus Brass Band Pays Tribute to James Reese Europe's Harlem Hell Fighter's Band (The)

- Titel: Americus Brass Band Pays Tribute to James Reese Europe's Harlem Hell Fighter's Band (The) / AMERICUS BRASS BAND (THE). Alford, Harry L., Komponist -- Americus Brass Band, The, Ensemble -- Bethel, Carl, Komponist -- Blake, Eubie, Komponist -- Brooks, Shelton, Komponist -- Carleton, Bob, Komponist -- Catlin, Tim, Schlagwerk -- Cobb, George Linus, Komponist -- Curtis, Kurt, Kornett -- DeBroit, Frank, Kornett -- Donaldson, Walter, Komponist -- Europe, James Reese, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Henry, S. R., Komponist -- Lewis, Samuel M., Dichter/Text -- Mullen, Pat, Kornett -- Peters, Ken, Schlagwerk -- Savino, Domenico, Komponist -- Sissle, Noble, Dichter/Text -- Still, William Grant, Komponist -- Vargas, Will, Klarinette -- Wheeler, Jerry, Gesang -- Young, Joe, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Alford, Harry L. [Komposition] ; Bethel, Carl [Komposition] ; Blake, Eubie [Komposition] ; Brooks, Shelton [Komposition] ; Carleton, Bob [Komposition] ; Cobb, George Linus [Komposition] ; Donaldson, Walter [Komposition] ; Europe, James Reese [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Henry, S. R. [Komposition] ; Savino, Domenico [Komposition] ; Still, William Grant [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Americus Brass Band, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Cambria, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: St. Louis Blues (arr. W.G. Still for wind ensemble) 00:03:12 -- Dark Town Strutters' Ball (arr. H.L. Alford for wind ensemble) 00:03:19 -- That Moaning Trombone (arr. J. McCabe for wind ensemble) 00:02:31 -- Good Night Angeline (arr. H. Ivers for wind ensemble) 00:03:12 -- Indianola (arr. G.F. Briegel for wind ensemble) 00:02:54 -- Ja-Da (arr. L. Walker for wind ensemble) 00:03:16 -- How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm? (arr. W. Schulz for voice and wind ensemble) 00:03:17 -- Memphis Blues (ed. B. Haring) 00:03:04 -- On Patrol in No Man's Land (arr. P. Mullen for voice and wind ensemble) 00:02:24 -- Russian Rag (arr. F.H. Klinkmann for wind ensemble) 00:03:20 -- Congratulations, "Castle's Lame Duck Waltz" (arr. J.L. von der Mehden for wind ensemble) 00:03:02 -- Hesitating Blues (arr. W.G. Still for wind ensemble) 00:02:56 --
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