Vocal and Choral Music - DĀRZIŅŠ, E. / FAURÉ, G. / HONEGGER, A. / KALEJS, A. (Hear My Prayer) (Stobaeus, Riga Cathedral Boys Choir, Erenštreits)

- Titel: Vocal and Choral Music - DĀRZIŅŠ, E. / FAURÉ, G. / HONEGGER, A. / KALEJS, A. (Hear My Prayer) (Stobaeus, Riga Cathedral Boys Choir, Erenštreits). Bartholomew, William, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Boelitz, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Dārziņš, Emīls, Komponist -- Erenštreits, Jānis -- Fauré, Gabriel, Komponist -- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Dichter/Text -- Gunnar, Hjorth, Dichter/Text -- Herbert, George, Dichter/Text -- Honegger, Arthur, Komponist -- Kalejs, Aivars, Komponist -- Lilientale, Kristina, Violine -- Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Olson, Daniel, Komponist -- Osterberg, Sven, Komponist -- Poruks, Janis, Dichter/Text -- Reger, Max, Komponist -- Riga Cathedral Boys Choir, Chor -- Rundt, Joel, Dichter/Text -- Stobaeus, Kristina, Sopran -- Vasks, Pēteris, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Zilgalve, Dagnija, Harfe
- Person(en): Dārziņš, Emīls [Komposition] ; Fauré, Gabriel [Komposition] ; Honegger, Arthur [Komposition] ; Kalejs, Aivars [Komposition] ; Lloyd Webber, Andrew [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Olson, Daniel [Komposition] ; Osterberg, Sven [Komposition] ; Reger, Max [Komposition] ; Vasks, Pēteris [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Riga Cathedral Boys Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Proprius, 1993
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 5 Mystical Songs 00:01:54 -- Ja uz Betlēmi es ietu 00:03:24 -- Höre mein Gebet MWV B49 00:10:40 -- Salig Maria 00:03:40 -- Schlichte Weisen op. 76 (bearb. für Chor) 00:02:16 -- Milda stjärna 00:03:17 -- Minion 00:02:44 -- O salutaris H. 136a 00:01:22 -- Ave verum op. 65 Nr. 1 00:03:23 -- Prière à l’ange gardien 00:01:56 -- Elegi 00:03:18 -- Per aspera ad astra (Through the Difficulties to the Stars) 00:10:12 -- Requiem 00:03:45 --
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