Clarinet Chamber Music, Vol. 1 - Pierrot / Canta, Canta / Ring Out Wild Bells / Threnody (Samek, Byam-Grounds, Le Page, M. Sharp, Troop)

- Titel: Clarinet Chamber Music, Vol. 1 - Pierrot / Canta, Canta / Ring Out Wild Bells / Threnody (Samek, Byam-Grounds, Le Page, M. Sharp, Troop) / MUSGRAVE, T.. Byam-Grounds, Gabrielle, Flöte -- Le Page, David, Violine -- Musgrave, Thea, Komponist -- Samek, Victoria Soames, Klarinette -- Sharp, Matthew, Violoncello -- Troop, Mark, Klavier
- Person(en): Musgrave, Thea ; Musgrave, Thea [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Clarinet and Saxophone Classics, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Canta, Canta / Musgrave, Thea 00:04:27 -- Ring Out Wild Bells: I. Declamatory: Ring out wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; II. Sombre: The year is dying in the night, Ring out, wild bells, and let him die; III. Lamenting: Ring out the old, ring in the new …; IV. Exhilarated, very fast: … Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go …; V. Mysterious and shifty: Ring out the false …; ... / Musgrave, Thea 00:14:36 -- Threnody (version for clarinet and piano): I. Tempo Libero; II. Agitato; III. Lamentoso / Musgrave, Thea 00:07:13 -- Pierrot: I. Pierrot; II. Columbine; III. Pierrot's Serenade; IV. Harlequin; V. Harlequin Attacks Pierrot; ... / Musgrave, Thea 00:19:54 -- Chamber Concerto No. 2: I. Adagio; II. Andante liricamente; III. Prestissimo Secco e leggiero; IV. Presto misterioso / Musgrave, Thea 00:16:11 --
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