
- Titel: GOOD SPORT. Armstrong, Louis, Gesang -- Barsotti, Roger, Komponist -- Baur, Franklyn, Gesang -- Beadell, Eily, Dichter/Text -- Beaver, Jack, Komponist -- Burns, Wilfrid, Komponist -- Busby, Robert, Komponist -- Campbell, Jimmy, Komponist -- Connelly, Reginald, Dichter/Text -- Crosby, Bing, Gesang -- Dacre, Harry, Komponist -- Dawson, Peter, Bariton -- Desmond, Jerry, Erzähler -- Field, Sid, Erzähler -- Flanagan and Allen, Ensemble -- Glenn, Wilfred, Gesang -- Guest, Val, Komponist -- Herzig, Sig, Autor -- Hill, Andrew, Komponist -- James, Lewis, Tenor -- Jason,, Komponist -- John Scott Trotter Orchestra, Orchester -- Kenny, Charles F., Dichter/Text -- Kenny, Nick, Dichter/Text -- Layton and Johnstone, Ensemble -- Morgan, Russ, Komponist -- Orchestra Mascotte, Orchester -- Paul, Elliot Harold, Autor -- Queen's Hall Light Orchestra, Orchester -- Revellers, The, Ensemble -- Robeson, Paul, Bassbariton -- Shaw, Elliott, Gesang -- Spoliansky, Mischa, Komponist -- Studio conductor, -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Tollerton, Nell, Komponist -- Western, George, Komponist -- Western, Kenneth Alfred, Komponist -- Western Brothers, The, Ensemble -- Wimperis, Arthur, Dichter/Text -- York, Peter, Komponist
- Person(en): Barsotti, Roger [Komposition] ; Beaver, Jack [Komposition] ; Burns, Wilfrid [Komposition] ; Busby, Robert [Komposition] ; Campbell, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Dacre, Harry [Komposition] ; Guest, Val [Komposition] ; Hill, Andrew [Komposition] ; Jason, [Komposition] ; Morgan, Russ [Komposition] ; Spoliansky, Mischa [Komposition] ; Tollerton, Nell [Komposition] ; Western, George [Komposition] ; Western, Kenneth Alfred [Komposition] ; York, Peter [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Flanagan and Allen ; John Scott Trotter Orchestra ; Layton and Johnstone ; Orchestra Mascotte ; Queen's Hall Light Orchestra ; Revellers, The ; Studio orchestra ; Western Brothers, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: The Gift of Music, 2004
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Grandstand 00:02:20 -- Cruising Down the River 00:02:25 -- Waita Poi 00:02:56 -- Gone Fishin' 00:02:29 -- Goodwood Gallop 00:02:19 -- Sanders of the River 00:02:55 -- London Town 00:06:35 -- Football Fanfare 00:02:41 -- Yacht Race 00:02:35 -- Play the Game, You Cads 00:03:19 -- Saturday Sports 00:02:45 -- Sportsmaster 00:02:52 -- Daisy belle 00:03:12 -- Sunny Days 00:02:16 -- Ascot Enclosure 00:02:59 -- Lucky Day 00:02:55 -- All Sports March 00:02:10 -- International Sports March 00:03:08 -- The Sport of Kings, Introducing Underneath the Arches 00:03:24 -- World Series 00:02:31 --
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