Vokalmusik (Tenebrae) (Capella Nova, Tavener)

- Titel: Vokalmusik (Tenebrae) (Capella Nova, Tavener) / MACMILLAN, J.. Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Cappella Nova, Chor -- MacMillan, James, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Tavener, Alan
- Person(en): MacMillan, James ; MacMillan, James [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Cappella Nova
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Linn Records, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Strathclyde Motets: Mitte manum tuam (Stretch forth your hand) / MacMillan, James 00:03:07 -- The Strathclyde Motets: In splendoribus sanctorum (Amidst the splendours of the heavenly sanctuary) / MacMillan, James 00:08:12 -- Give me justice, O God / MacMillan, James 00:02:47 -- Missa Brevis: Kyrie; Gloria; Sanctus; Agnus Dei; At the Conclusion; ... / MacMillan, James 00:14:31 -- The Strathclyde Motets: Data est mihi omnis potestas (It has been given to me) / MacMillan, James 00:04:25 -- The Strathclyde Motets: Sedebit Dominus Rex (The Lord will sit on his throne) / MacMillan, James 00:04:40 -- The Strathclyde Motets: Factus est repente (Suddenly, a sound came) / MacMillan, James 00:02:46 -- The Strathclyde Motets: Videns Dominus (When the Lord saw) / MacMillan, James 00:05:36 -- The Strathclyde Motets: Dominus dabit benignitatem (The Lord will bestow his loving kindness) / MacMillan, James 00:04:54 -- Tenebrae Responsories: Tenebrae factae sunt; Tradiderunt me; Jesum tradidt impius / MacMillan, James 00:19:23 --
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