Instrumental Ensemble and Lute Music

- Titel: Instrumental Ensemble and Lute Music / MUSIC FROM THE TIME OF CHRISTIAN IV. Borchgrevinck, Melchior, Komponist -- Brade, William, Komponist -- Danish Consort, Ensemble -- Dowland, John, Komponist -- Foucart, Jacques, Komponist -- Gistou, Nicolas, Komponist -- Greebe, Benedict, Komponist -- Huet, Gregorio, Komponist -- Lindberg, Jakob, Laute -- Orn , Jacob, Komponist -- Orologio, Alessandro, Komponist -- Royal Danish Brass, Ensemble -- Schop, Johann, Komponist -- Simpson, Thomas, Komponist
- Person(en): Borchgrevinck, Melchior [Komposition] ; Brade, William [Komposition] ; Dowland, John [Komposition] ; Foucart, Jacques [Komposition] ; Gistou, Nicolas [Komposition] ; Greebe, Benedict [Komposition] ; Huet, Gregorio [Komposition] ; Orn , Jacob [Komposition] ; Orologio, Alessandro [Komposition] ; Schop, Johann [Komposition] ; Simpson, Thomas [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Danish Consort ; Royal Danish Brass
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: BIS, 1988
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Intrada Nr. 21 00:01:25 -- Intrada Nr. 5 00:01:31 -- Paduana und Galliarde 00:04:27 -- Paduana - Galliarde 00:05:40 -- Paduana - Galliarde 00:04:19 -- Pavane 00:03:25 -- Fantasie 00:04:07 -- Petrus Fabricius Lutbog 00:04:49 -- Präludium, P 98 00:01:01 -- A Fantasie P 1 00:04:07 -- Mr. Dowland's Midnight P 99 00:00:45 -- The King of Denmark's Galiard H. 11 00:01:19 -- Paduana und Galliarde 00:05:40 -- Pasameza 00:04:06 -- Lachrimae Pavane 00:04:12 -- Courante 1 - Courante 2 - Courante 3 00:04:44 -- Intrada Nr. 1 00:01:50 -- Intrada Nr. 19 00:01:45 --
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