AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL - A Collection of Patriotic Songs by the Bands and Choruses of the United States Military

- Titel: AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL - A Collection of Patriotic Songs by the Bands and Choruses of the United States Military. Bagley, Edwin Eugene, Komponist -- Bates, Katharine Lee, Dichter/Text -- Bellamy, Francis, Dichter/Text -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Cohan, George M., Komponist -- Fillmore, Henry, Komponist -- Gould, Morton, Komponist -- Greenwood, Lee, Komponist -- Guthrie, Woody, Komponist -- Key, Francis Scott, Komponist -- La Montaine, John, Komponist -- President's Own United States Marine Band, The, Orchester -- Smith, John Stafford, Komponist -- Smith, Samuel Francis, Komponist -- Sousa, John Philip, Komponist -- Studio conductor, -- United States Air Force Band, Orchester -- United States Air Force Heritage of America Band, Ensemble -- United States Air Force Singing Sergeants, Chor -- United States Army Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Field Band, Ensemble -- United States Army Field Band Soldiers' Chorus, Chor -- United States Coast Guard Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Continental Army Band, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band, The, Ensemble -- United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus, Chor -- Ward, Samuel A., Komponist -- Warren, George William, Komponist -- Werle, Floyd, Komponist
- Person(en): Bagley, Edwin Eugene [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Cohan, George M. [Komposition] ; Fillmore, Henry [Komposition] ; Gould, Morton [Komposition] ; Greenwood, Lee [Komposition] ; Guthrie, Woody [Komposition] ; Key, Francis Scott [Komposition] ; La Montaine, John [Komposition] ; Smith, John Stafford [Komposition] ; Smith, Samuel Francis [Komposition] ; Sousa, John Philip [Komposition] ; Ward, Samuel A. [Komposition] ; Warren, George William [Komposition] ; Werle, Floyd [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): President's Own United States Marine Band, The ; United States Air Force Band ; United States Air Force Heritage of America Band ; United States Air Force Singing Sergeants ; United States Army Band ; United States Army Field Band ; United States Army Field Band Soldiers' Chorus ; United States Coast Guard Band, The ; United States Continental Army Band ; United States Navy Band, The ; United States Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Star Spangled Banner (United States of America) 00:01:15 -- The Pledge Of Allegiance 00:02:54 -- America the Beautiful 00:03:33 -- American Salute 00:04:29 -- National Emblem 00:03:00 -- You're a Grand Old Flag 00:01:17 -- Hail to the Spirit of Liberty 00:03:29 -- God bless America 00:03:06 -- America, My Country Tis of Thee 00:02:37 -- This Land Is Your Land 00:02:41 -- From Sea to Shining Sea op. 30 00:03:27 -- Garry Owen 00:02:36 -- Fanfare for Freedom 00:01:46 -- God of Our Fathers 00:04:07 -- God Bless the USA (bearb. für Bläserensemble) 00:03:00 -- Armee-Medley 00:03:42 -- The Liberty Bell 00:03:45 -- Americans We 00:03:20 -- The Stars and Stripes Forever 00:03:30 -- Star Spangled Spectacular 00:04:23 --
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