Give Me A Smile (Songs and Music of World War II)

- Titel: Give Me A Smile (Songs and Music of World War II) / DAVIS, Carl. Addinsell, Richard, Komponist -- Alford, Kenneth J., Komponist -- BBC Concert Orchestra, Orchester -- Benjamin, Bennie, Komponist -- Brighton Festival Chorus, Chor -- Burton, Nat, Komponist -- Carewe, Mary, Sopran -- Charles, Hugh, Komponist -- Charles, Hughie, Dichter/Text -- Coates, Eric, Komponist -- Coward, Noel, Komponist -- Curzon, Clifford, Klavier -- Davis, Carl -- Elton, Louis, Dichter/Text -- Eyden, Sarah, Sopran -- Ford, Lena Guilbert, Dichter/Text -- Gascoigne, Brian -- Gregg, Hubert, Komponist -- Hughes, Jimmy, Komponist -- Kennedy, Jimmy, Dichter/Text -- Kent, Walter, Komponist -- Lake, Frank, Komponist -- Leip, Hans, Dichter/Text -- Litolff, Henry, Komponist -- Marcus, Sol, Komponist -- McCafferty, Frances, Mezzosopran -- Mutter, Charles, Violine -- Novello, Ivor, Komponist -- Park, Phil, Dichter/Text -- Parker, Ross, Komponist -- Parr-Davies, Harry, Komponist -- Phillips, Harry, Komponist -- Rogers, Gaby, Komponist -- Schultze, Norbert, Komponist -- Seiler, Eddie, Komponist -- Suart, Richard, Bass -- Sweeney, Claire, Gesang -- Tan, Melvyn, Klavier -- Wadsworth, Derek -- Williams, John
- Person(en): Addinsell, Richard [Komposition] ; Alford, Kenneth J. [Komposition] ; Benjamin, Bennie [Komposition] ; Burton, Nat [Komposition] ; Charles, Hugh [Komposition] ; Coates, Eric [Komposition] ; Coward, Noel [Komposition] ; Gregg, Hubert [Komposition] ; Hughes, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Kent, Walter [Komposition] ; Lake, Frank [Komposition] ; Litolff, Henry [Komposition] ; Marcus, Sol [Komposition] ; Novello, Ivor [Komposition] ; Parker, Ross [Komposition] ; Parr-Davies, Harry [Komposition] ; Phillips, Harry [Komposition] ; Rogers, Gaby [Komposition] ; Schultze, Norbert [Komposition] ; Seiler, Eddie [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): BBC Concert Orchestra ; Brighton Festival Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Carl Davis Collection, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye (bearb. von I. McPherson) 00:02:47 -- Warschauer Konzert 00:09:17 -- Goodnight Children Everywhere (bearb. von T. Pottier und D. Wadsworth) 00:03:59 -- Bless 'Em All (bearb. von D. Wadsworth) 00:02:40 -- The White Cliffs of Dover (bearb. von D. Wadsworth) 00:02:41 -- The Dambusters March 00:04:03 -- We're Gonna Hang Out the Siegfried Line (bearb. von D. Wadsworth) 00:03:07 -- London Pride (bearb. von I. McPherson) 00:04:22 -- Scherzo 00:07:12 -- Keep the home fires burning (bearb. von I. McPherson) 00:04:20 -- Lili Marleen (bearb. von B. Gascoigne) 00:02:11 -- Colonel Bogey 00:04:17 -- When they sound the last all clear (bearb. von B. Gascoigne) 00:03:06 -- There'll Always Be an England (bearb. von D. Wadsworth) 00:03:44 -- When the lights go on again (bearb. von D. Wadsworth) 00:03:20 -- I'm Gonna Get Lit Up (When The Lights Go On In London) (bearb. von B. Gascoigne) 00:03:10 -- We'll Meet Again (bearb. von D. Wadsworth) 00:03:04 -- Saving Private Ryan 00:06:37 --
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