Vocal and Instrumental Music (World War I) - KNIGHT, C. / LYLE, K. / ROOT, G.F. / RUBENS, P. / DIX, J.A. / NOVELLO, I. (Keep the Home Fires Burning)

- Titel: Vocal and Instrumental Music (World War I) - KNIGHT, C. / LYLE, K. / ROOT, G.F. / RUBENS, P. / DIX, J.A. / NOVELLO, I. (Keep the Home Fires Burning). Al Bernard Chorus, Chor -- Arnold, Malcolm, Komponist -- Barron, J. Francis, Dichter/Text -- Dix, J. Airlie, Komponist -- F. Wheeler Chorus, Chor -- F. Wheeler Chorus, male section, Chor -- H.M. Coldstream Guards Band, Ensemble -- Harlan and Stanley Chorus, Chor -- Helen Clarke Chorus, Chor -- Judge, Jack, Komponist -- Kinniburgh, T.F., Gesang -- Knight, Charles, Komponist -- Lyle, Kenneth, Komponist -- Mills, A.J., Dichter/Text -- Murray, Templeton, Pianola -- N.M.B. Flying Squadron, Ensemble -- Newell, Raymond, Gesang -- Novello, Ivor, Komponist -- Root, George Frederick, Komponist -- Rubens, Paul A., Komponist -- Scott, Bennett, Komponist -- Swinley, Ian, Gesang -- Will Oakland Chorus, Chor -- Wood, Haydn, Komponist
- Person(en): Arnold, Malcolm [Komposition] ; Dix, J. Airlie [Komposition] ; Judge, Jack [Komposition] ; Knight, Charles [Komposition] ; Lyle, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Novello, Ivor [Komposition] ; Root, George Frederick [Komposition] ; Rubens, Paul A. [Komposition] ; Scott, Bennett [Komposition] ; Wood, Haydn [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Al Bernard Chorus ; F. Wheeler Chorus ; F. Wheeler Chorus, male section ; H.M. Coldstream Guards Band ; Harlan and Stanley Chorus ; Helen Clarke Chorus ; N.M.B. Flying Squadron ; Will Oakland Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Saydisc, 1986
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Here we are! Here we are!! Here we are again!!! 00:03:25 -- Lady och Lufsen: Bella Notte 00:01:47 -- Just before the battle, mother 00:04:23 -- Your King and Country Want You 00:03:50 -- The Trumpeter 00:07:11 -- The Deathless Army 00:04:31 -- Medley 00:04:21 -- Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! 00:04:22 -- Keep the home fires burning 00:01:46 -- The Boys of the Old Brigade 00:02:34 -- Boys in Khaki, Boys in Blue 00:06:17 -- Coloney Bogey March - Keep the home fires burning - Pack Up Your Troubles - It's a Long Way to Tipperary - Roses of Picardy 00:04:25 -- Passing Review Patrol 00:04:25 -- What Has Become of Hinkey Dinky Parlay Voo 00:03:47 --
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