The Medium

- Titel: The Medium / MENOTTI. Castle, Joyce, Kontraalt -- Chicago Opera Theater Ensemble, Orchester -- Graaff, Peter Van de, Bariton -- Landis, Barbara, Mezzosopran -- Lind, Joanna, Gesang -- Menotti, Gian Carlo, Komponist -- Michaels Bedi, Patrice, Sopran -- Ragains, Diane, Sopran -- Rapchak, Lawrence
- Person(en): Menotti, Gian Carlo ; Menotti, Gian Carlo [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Chicago Opera Theater Ensemble
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Cedille, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Medium: Act II: Where is Monica? (Baba); Act II: Toby, you know that I love you (Baba); Act II: But first you must tell me (Baba); Act II: Perhaps it was not you after all (Baba); Act II: What is the matter Toby? (Monica); ... / Menotti, Gian Carlo 01:01:37 --
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