
- Titel: L'Orfeo / MONTEVERDI. Bertschy, Alain, Tenor -- Bouchot, Vincent, Bariton -- Delaigue, Renaud, Bass -- Deletre, Bernard, Bass -- Gerstenhaber, Cyrille, Sopran -- Ghazarossian, Carl, Tenor -- Gillot, Delphine, Sopran -- Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy, Orchester -- Gregoire, Thierry, Countertenor -- Jaroussky, Philippe, Countertenor -- Kaique, Estelle, Mezzosopran -- Malgoire, Jean-Claude -- Monteverdi, Claudio, Komponist -- Prigent, Lorraine, Sopran -- Pruvot, Pierre-Yves, Bariton -- Rabier, Philippe, Bariton -- Rensburg, Kobie van, Tenor -- Striggio, Alessandro, Dichter/Text -- Thebault, Hjordis, Sopran
- Person(en): Monteverdi, Claudio ; Monteverdi, Claudio [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Dynamic NX, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: L'Orfeo: Toccata; Prologo: Dal mio Permesso amato a voi ne vengo (La Musica); Act I: In questo lieto e fortunato giorno (Shepherd 1, Chorus, Nymph); Act I: Lasciate i monti (Chorus, Shepherd 2, Orfeo, Euridice, Shepherd 1); Act I: Alcun non sia che disperato in preda (Shepherds 1 and 3, Nymph, Shepherds 2 and 4, Chorus); ... / Monteverdi, Claudio 01:46:33 --
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