Homespun America

- Titel: Homespun America / EASTMAN WIND ENSEMBLE. Bordner, Gary, Trompete -- D'Albert, Charles, Komponist -- Dignam, Walter, Komponist -- Eastman Chorale, Chor -- Eastman Philharmonia, Ensemble -- Eastman Wind Ensemble, Ensemble -- Eaton, E. K., Komponist -- Forrest, Fanny, Komponist -- Foster, Stephen C., Dichter/Text -- Hutchinson, Jesse, Komponist -- Hutchinson, John, Komponist -- Hutchinson, Judson, Komponist -- Knaebel, Simon, Komponist -- Lee, George Alexander, Komponist -- Pugh, James, Posaune -- Ripley, Hosea, Komponist -- Root, George Frederick, Komponist -- Rossini, Gioachino, Komponist -- Sanderson, James, Komponist -- Sheridan, John, Gesang -- Thomas, John Rogers, Komponist -- Vizzutti, Allen, Komponist -- Work, Henry Clay, Komponist
- Person(en): D'Albert, Charles [Komposition] ; Dignam, Walter [Komposition] ; Eaton, E. K. [Komposition] ; Forrest, Fanny [Komposition] ; Hutchinson, Jesse [Komposition] ; Hutchinson, John [Komposition] ; Hutchinson, Judson [Komposition] ; Knaebel, Simon [Komposition] ; Lee, George Alexander [Komposition] ; Ripley, Hosea [Komposition] ; Root, George Frederick [Komposition] ; Rossini, Gioachino [Komposition] ; Sanderson, James [Komposition] ; Thomas, John Rogers [Komposition] ; Vizzutti, Allen [Komposition] ; Work, Henry Clay [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Eastman Chorale ; Eastman Philharmonia ; Eastman Wind Ensemble
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Vox Box, 1993
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Eaton's Grand March 00:05:48 -- Semiramide 2. Akt: Giorno d'orrore! (bearb. von G. Goodwin) 00:06:40 -- Free and Easy - Neapolitan - Get Out of the Wilderness - Wake Up Mose - Good Bye - Crow Out Shanghai (bearb. von D. Downing) 00:04:11 -- Les Rendezvous Waltzes 00:05:22 -- Neptune Galop 00:00:58 -- Departed Days (bearb. für Band) 00:02:33 -- Walzer 00:02:15 -- Quickstep Blues 00:01:55 -- Congo's Quickstep 00:02:41 -- Crossing the Grand Sierras 00:03:59 -- Wait for the Wagon - Keemo Kimo - Pop Goes the Weasel - The Hazel Dell - Old Josey (bearb. von G. W. E. Friedrich) 00:03:35 -- Fireman's Polka 00:03:05 -- Uncle Sam's Farm 00:02:52 -- King Alcohol 00:02:54 -- Don't Stay Away 00:02:40 -- The Vulture of the Alps 00:08:14 -- The Old Granite State 00:02:38 -- Hope Told a Flattering Tale 00:09:28 -- The Pauper's Funeral 00:02:49 -- Calomel 00:03:49 -- The Peri Waltzes (arr. G.W.E. Friedrich) 00:05:54 -- Felina Redowa de Salon (arr. G.W.E. Friedrich) 00:03:41 -- The Guards' Waltzes 00:05:14 -- Quaker Set Medley Quadrilles (bearb. von S. F. Moore) 00:03:03 -- Hand Organ Polka 00:05:35 -- Old Folks Quadrilles 00:02:50 -- Peter's Quickstep 00:04:09 -- Get off the Track 00:02:49 -- Excelsior 00:05:39 -- The Fourth of July Ouvertüre 00:04:33 -- May Heaven's Grace 00:02:05 -- Hail to the Chief 00:00:36 --
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