Alceste (Curnyn)

- Titel: Alceste (Curnyn) / HANDEL, G.F.. Crowe, Lucy, Sopran -- Curnyn, Christian -- Early Opera Company Chorus, Chor -- Early Opera Company Orchestra, Orchester -- Foster-Williams, Andrew, Bass -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Hulett, Benjamin, Tenor -- Smollett, Tobias, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Handel, George Frideric ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Early Opera Company Chorus ; Early Opera Company Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Chandos, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Alceste HWV 45: Ouverture; Grand entree; Accompagnato: Ye happy people (Tenor); Triumph, Hymen, in the pair (Soli, Chorus); Still caressing and caress'd (Soprano, Chorus); ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:26:05 -- Admeto, re di Tessaglia HWV 22 / Handel, George Frideric 00:01:18 -- Alceste HWV 45: Air: Enjor the sweet Elysian grove (Tenor); Thrice happy who in life excel (Chorus); Air: Ye fleeting shades, I come (Bass) / Handel, George Frideric 00:11:30 -- Radamisto HWV 12a / Handel, George Frideric 00:04:42 -- Alceste HWV 45: Al hail, thou mighty son of Jove! (Chorus); Symphony: Larghetto; Recitative: From high Olympus' top, the seat of God (Tenor); Air: Tune your harps, all ye Nine (Tenor); Ballo primo: Un peu lentement; ... / Handel, George Frideric 00:19:27 --
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