Salome (French version) [Opera]
- Titel: Salome (French version) [Opera] / STRAUSS, R.. Amodio, Nicola, Tenor -- Bruno, Michele Aurelio, Bass -- Caldi, Massimiliano -- Coletta, Giovanni, Tenor -- Finucci, Costantino, Bariton -- Genovese, Emanuele, Gesang -- Giorgi, Francesca De, Sopran -- Orchestra Internazionale d'Italia, Orchester -- Ranoia, Guiseppe, Bass -- Rosiello, Marcello, Bass -- Sarinelli, Vincenzo Maria, Tenor -- Scaini, Francesca, Sopran -- Silvestri, Massimilliano, Tenor -- Soloviy, Sofia, Sopran -- Stasi, Domingo, Tenor -- Strauss, Richard, Komponist -- Wilde, Oscar, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Strauss, Richard ; Strauss, Richard [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Orchestra Internazionale d'Italia
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Dynamic, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Salome op. 54 TrV 215 (Französische Fassung): Comme la princesse Salome est belle ce soir! (The Young Syrian, The Page of Herodias, First Soldier, Second Soldier, The Voice of Iokanaan, The Cappadocian); Je ne resterai pas (Salome, The Page of Herodias, The Voice of Iokanaan, Second Soldier, The Young Syrian, A Slave, First Soldier); Comme il fait noir la-dedans! (Salome, Second Soldier, The Page of Herodias, The Young Syrian); Ou est celui dont la coupe d'abominations est deja pleine? (Iokanaan, Salome, The Young Syrian); Iokanaan! Je suis amoureuse de ton corps (Salome, Iokanaan, The Young Syrian); ... / Strauss, Richard 01:34:51 --
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