Wind Band Music (Royal Air Force 100th Anniversary) (Central Band of the Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force College and Regiment Bands)

- Titel: Wind Band Music (Royal Air Force 100th Anniversary) (Central Band of the Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force College and Regiment Bands). Alford, Kenneth J., Komponist -- Alwyn, Kenneth -- Bashford, Rodney -- Bath, Hubert, Komponist -- Bauduc, Ray, Komponist -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Central Band of the Royal Air Force, Ensemble -- Coates, Eric, Komponist -- Davies, Roy E.C., Komponist -- Dyson, George, Komponist -- Haggart, Bob, Komponist -- Hess, Nigel, Komponist -- Hingley, Barrie -- Hodgetts, Tracy, Gesang -- Jordan, Cpl Neslihan, Flöte -- L'Anson, Christopher -- Little, Matthew, Gesang -- Lockyer, Malcolm, Komponist -- Martindale, John, Komponist -- May, Brian, Komponist -- Mears, Andrew -- Mercury, Freddie, Komponist -- Miles, Kevin -- Morley, Stuart -- Morrell, Piers -- Murray, Richard -- Olman, Abe, Komponist -- Pearce, Andrew, Violoncello -- Prima, Louis, Komponist -- Rees, Beverley, Gesang -- Rose, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Royal Air Force College Band, Ensemble -- Royal Air Force Regiment Band, Ensemble -- Royal Air Force Squadronaires, Ensemble -- Royal Air Force Swing Wing Band, Ensemble -- Sims, Albert Ernest -- Sparke, Philip, Komponist -- Stevens, Gary -- Stirling, Stuart, Komponist -- Stubbs, Duncan -- Trott, Cara, Gesang -- Van Heusen, Jimmy, Komponist -- Walton, William, Komponist -- Weldon, Christopher -- Wiffin, Rob, Komponist
- Person(en): Alford, Kenneth J. [Komposition] ; Bath, Hubert [Komposition] ; Bauduc, Ray [Komposition] ; Coates, Eric [Komposition] ; Davies, Roy E.C. [Komposition] ; Dyson, George [Komposition] ; Haggart, Bob [Komposition] ; Hess, Nigel [Komposition] ; Lockyer, Malcolm [Komposition] ; Martindale, John [Komposition] ; May, Brian [Komposition] ; Mercury, Freddie [Komposition] ; Olman, Abe [Komposition] ; Prima, Louis [Komposition] ; Sparke, Philip [Komposition] ; Stirling, Stuart [Komposition] ; Van Heusen, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Walton, William [Komposition] ; Wiffin, Rob [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Central Band of the Royal Air Force ; Royal Air Force College Band ; Royal Air Force Regiment Band ; Royal Air Force Squadronaires ; Royal Air Force Swing Wing Band
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Chandos, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Royal Air Force March Past 00:01:57 -- Spitfire Prelude and Fugue: Prelude (arr. R. Bashford for wind band) 00:03:36 -- Come Fly with Me (arr. J. Harpin for voice and wind band) 00:03:28 -- South Rampart Street Parade (arr. G. Cooney for wind band) 00:02:14 -- 633 Squadron 00:02:48 -- Songs of the Early Airmen (arr. B. Hingley for wind band) 00:07:23 -- Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines 00:01:45 -- F35 Lightning II 00:03:49 -- To Lusher with Love 00:03:50 -- Skywatch 00:02:52 -- Out of the Blue 00:02:38 -- Fighter Command March 00:05:02 -- Battle of Britain March 00:02:33 -- The Way to Heaven 00:04:32 -- Battle of Britain Suite (arr. B. Hingley for wind band) 00:06:42 -- Shining Sword 00:02:01 -- Pathfinders March 00:04:30 -- Oh! Johnny, Oh, Johnny Oh! 00:02:47 -- The Jaguar 00:03:03 -- Peacekeepers Suite 00:03:12 -- Queen Medley (arr. S. Morley for wind band) 00:07:47 -- Diamond Nine 00:03:40 -- Air Cadets March 00:02:18 -- Ladies in Lavender (arr. for flute and wind band) 00:03:55 -- Sing, Sing, Sing (arr. J. Mundy for wind band) 00:07:30 -- Holyrood 00:03:58 -- Royal Air Force College March 00:01:31 -- Songs that Saw Us Through 00:08:53 -- Elegy on the Royal Air Force March Past 00:04:37 -- The Dambusters March (arr. for wind band) 00:03:57 --
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