Idyll / Suite for Strings / Sinfonietta / Jealousy / The Fiddler's Child / Taras Bulba

- Titel: Idyll / Suite for Strings / Sinfonietta / Jealousy / The Fiddler's Child / Taras Bulba / JANACEK. Bělohlávek, Jiří -- Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Debruslais, Julia, Violoncello -- Janáček, Leoš, Komponist -- Jupiter Orchestra, Orchester -- Rose, Gregory
- Person(en): Janáček, Leoš ; Janáček, Leoš [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Czech Philharmonic Orchestra ; Jupiter Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Chandos, 1993
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Idylla (Idylle) JW VI/3: I. Andante; II. Allegro - Moderato - Tempo I; III. Moderato - Con moto - Tempo I; IV. Allegro; V. Adagio - Presto - Tempo I; ... / Janáček, Leoš 00:29:51 -- Suite, JW VI/2: I. Moderato; II. Adagio; III. Andante con moto —; IV. Presto - Andante - Presto; V. Adagio; ... / Janáček, Leoš 00:21:49 -- Sinfonietta JW VI/18: I. Allegretto; II. Andante; III. Moderato; IV. Allegretto; V. Andante con moto; ... / Janáček, Leoš 00:23:10 -- Žárlivost (Eifersucht) JW VI/10 / Janáček, Leoš 00:05:58 -- Sumarovo dite (The Fiddler's Child), JW VI/14 / Janáček, Leoš 00:12:50 -- Die schlaue Füchslein Suite JW I/9 (bearb. von V. Talich für Orchester): I. Andante; II. Andante / Janáček, Leoš 00:17:40 -- Taras Bulba JW VI/15: I. Smrt Andrijova (Death of Andrij); II. Smrt Ostapova (The Death of Ostap); III. Proroctvi a smrt Tarase Bulby (The Prophecy and Death of Taras Bulba) / Janáček, Leoš 00:23:25 --
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