American Songs

- Titel: American Songs / MICHAELS, Patrice. Adams, H. Leslie, Komponist -- Altman, Laurie, Komponist -- Blake, William, Dichter/Text -- Bowker, Robert, Komponist -- Buccheri, Elizabeth, Klavier -- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Dichter/Text -- De la Mare, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Donne, John, Dichter/Text -- Dunbar, Paul Laurence, Dichter/Text -- Duvall, Matthew, Schlagwerk -- Echavarren, Roberto, Dichter/Text -- Ewazen, Eric, Komponist -- Fandel, John, Dichter/Text -- Freeman, James, Klavier -- Grenville, R.H., Dichter/Text -- Grier, Lita, Komponist -- Harmon, John, Komponist -- Hoiby, Lee, Komponist -- Hughes, Langston, Dichter/Text -- Johnson, Georgia Douglas, Dichter/Text -- Larsen, Libby, Komponist -- Lowell, Amy, Dichter/Text -- Michaels, Patrice, Sopran -- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, Dichter/Text -- Miller, Emily Huntington, Dichter/Text -- Pound, Ezra, Dichter/Text -- Rossetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Sandburg, Carl, Dichter/Text -- Thomas, Richard Pearson, Komponist -- Tucker, Dan, Komponist
- Person(en): Adams, H. Leslie [Komposition] ; Altman, Laurie [Komposition] ; Bowker, Robert [Komposition] ; Ewazen, Eric [Komposition] ; Grier, Lita [Komposition] ; Harmon, John [Komposition] ; Hoiby, Lee [Komposition] ; Larsen, Libby [Komposition] ; Thomas, Richard Pearson [Komposition] ; Tucker, Dan [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Cedille, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: An Immorality 00:01:01 -- What If…? 00:02:02 -- The Message 00:03:12 -- The Shepherd 00:01:55 -- Songs for Leontyne (Text von J. Fandel) 00:01:09 -- O del mio dolce ardor - A Reimagining 00:04:21 -- Branch by Branch 00:01:53 -- Homesick Blues 00:03:00 -- The Wider View 00:04:10 -- 5 Songs for Children 00:01:42 -- Perineo 00:05:10 -- Amarilli, mia bella 00:04:57 -- Beginning My Studies 00:04:15 -- Dove Sta. Amore: No. 1. Maybe; No. 2. Sea Chest; No. 3. The Hangman at Home; No. 4. How Many Little Children Sleep; No. 5. Dove sta amore…; ... 00:15:45 -- 3 Gedichte von Edna St. Vincent Millay: No. 1. God's World; No. 2. Wraith; No. 3. Afternoon on a Hill 00:07:39 -- Mots d'heure: Gousses, rames (Mother Goose Rhymes): No. 1. Un petit d'un petit; No. 2. Chacun Gille; No. 3. Lit-elle messe moffette; No. 4. Eau la quille ne colle 00:03:10 -- Bingo 00:02:35 -- Light Feet 00:03:34 --
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