
- Titel: REGIMENTAL MARCHES OF THE BRITISH ARMY, VOL. 2. Atkins, W.T., Komponist -- Band of the Coldstream Guards, Ensemble -- Barsotti, Roger, Komponist -- Curzon, Frederic, Komponist -- Demuth, Norman, Komponist -- Ford, R., Komponist -- French, William Percy, Komponist -- Herzer, Rudolph, Komponist -- Lee, George Alexander, Komponist -- Myddleton, W.H., Komponist -- Newstead, William J., Komponist -- Plater, D.J., Komponist -- Pope, D.A. -- Richards, A.J., Komponist -- Safroni, Arnold, Komponist -- Sharpe, T.L. -- Young, Arthur, Novachord
- Person(en): Atkins, W.T. [Komposition] ; Barsotti, Roger [Komposition] ; Curzon, Frederic [Komposition] ; Demuth, Norman [Komposition] ; Ford, R. [Komposition] ; French, William Percy [Komposition] ; Herzer, Rudolph [Komposition] ; Lee, George Alexander [Komposition] ; Myddleton, W.H. [Komposition] ; Newstead, William J. [Komposition] ; Plater, D.J. [Komposition] ; Richards, A.J. [Komposition] ; Safroni, Arnold [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Band of the Coldstream Guards
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Chandos, 1976
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Wings 00:01:19 -- Wait for the Wagon (bearb. von J. F. Dean) 00:01:07 -- Here's a Health unto His Majesty (bearb. von J. A. Thornburrow) 00:01:21 -- The Village Blacksmith (bearb. von H. C. Jarman) 00:00:56 -- The Watch Tower (bearb. von Hubert) 00:01:50 -- Imperial Echoes (bearb. von J. Ord-Hume) 00:03:23 -- Gaudeamus igitur - The Good Comrade (bearb. von G.H. Stunell) 00:01:15 -- Pioneer Corps 00:01:48 -- Be Fit 00:01:08 -- Sugar and Spice - The Roast Beef of Old England (bearb. von J. F. Dean) 00:01:01 -- Grey and Scarlet (bearb. von L. D. Brown) 00:01:09 -- The Lass of Richmond Hill - Early One Morning (bearb. von J. B. Macdowall) 00:01:23 -- Baclava March (bearb. von T. Geggie) 00:01:10 -- The Kingsman 00:01:16 -- Wha Wadna Fecht for Charlie (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:00:43 -- Lillibulero (bearb. von D. J. Plater) 00:01:19 -- Killaloe (bearb. von M.E. Clark) 00:01:28 -- St. Patrick's Day - Berkeley's Dragons - Galloping Eighth Hussars (bearb. von Cooper) 00:01:32 -- Cock o' the North (bearb. von W. J. Duthoit) 00:01:10 -- Reece Flight 00:01:12 -- Drink, Puppy, Drink - A Hunting We Will Go (bearb. von E. Thompson) 00:01:14 -- Robin Hood Suite 00:01:13 -- The Metropolitan March 00:02:42 -- Green Facings (bearb. von G.H. Stunell) 00:00:41 -- Rose and the Laurel (bearb. von G.H. Stunell) 00:00:48 -- Braganza - Las o' Gowrie (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:02:06 -- The Seventh Royal Fusiliers (bearb. von B. E. Hicks) 00:02:04 -- Lincolnshire Poacher (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:01:17 -- Romaika - A Hunting Call (bearb. von D. K. Walker) 00:01:50 -- The British Grenadiers - Minden March (bearb. von Brush) 00:01:02 -- Rory o' Moore - The Spring of Shallelagh (bearb. von G. R. Hall) 00:01:10 -- Royal Sussex (bearb. von Bailey) 00:01:31 -- A.P. Shenkin (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:00:45 -- The Essex 00:01:03 -- Sir Manley Power - Paddy's Resource (bearb. von J. E. Thirtle) 00:01:33 -- The York and Lancaster (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:00:25 -- The Merry Month of May (bearb. von M. Roberts) 00:01:02 -- Old Monmouthshire 00:01:16 -- A Hundred Pipers (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:00:49 -- Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:00:47 -- Old Towler (bearb. von W. J. Duthoit) 00:00:59 -- The Light Barque (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:01:01 -- Nachtlager N. Granada - The Lower Castle Yard (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:01:22 -- I'm 95 (bearb. von M. Retford) 00:00:51 -- Away to the Mountain's Brow (bearb. von D. A. Pope) 00:00:56 -- The Boys of the Old Brigade 00:01:34 --
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