- Titel: SCOTLAND'S MUSIC. BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Baltimore Consort, Ensemble -- Bell, Christopher -- Booerhaave, Hermann, Dichter/Text -- Cappella Nova, Chor -- Carver, Robert, Komponist -- Chant Choir, Chor -- Clerk, John, Komponist -- Glover, Lawrence, Klavier -- Gray, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Gwilt, Richard, Violine -- Hazeldene, Alan -- Hilliard Ensemble, Ensemble -- Keaney, Jack, Klavier -- Kelly, 6th Earl of, Komponist -- King's Singers, The, Ensemble -- Kitchen, John, Cembalo -- LaRue, Custer, Sopran -- Lauder, James, Komponist -- Leblanc, Suzie, Sopran -- Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron), , Dichter/Text -- MacCunn, Hamish, Komponist -- MacMahon, Patricia, Sopran -- Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell, Komponist -- McGuire, Edward, Komponist -- McMaster, Mary, Sopran -- Medlam, Charles, Violoncello -- Montgomerie, Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Morrison, Neil, Laute -- O'Donnell, James -- Oswald, James, Komponist -- Purser, John, Glocken -- Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Orchester -- Scottish Early Music Consort, Ensemble -- Shaljean, Bonnie, Harfe -- Siefert, Ingrid, Violine -- Sturrock, Kathron, Klavier -- Tavener, Alan -- Thomson, John, Komponist -- Toll, John, Cembalo -- Yuasa, Takuo
- Person(en): Carver, Robert [Komposition] ; Clerk, John [Komposition] ; Kelly, 6th Earl of [Komposition] ; Lauder, James [Komposition] ; MacCunn, Hamish [Komposition] ; Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell [Komposition] ; McGuire, Edward [Komposition] ; Oswald, James [Komposition] ; Thomson, John [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra ; Baltimore Consort ; Cappella Nova ; Chant Choir ; Hilliard Ensemble ; King's Singers, The ; Schola Cantorum Basiliensis ; Scottish Early Music Consort
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Linn Records, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 9th Century Bells 00:00:30 -- Jubente Petrus 00:04:15 -- Sanctorum Piissime Columba 00:02:03 -- O Columba 00:02:12 -- Pi li li liu 00:01:23 -- Airs by Fingal 00:01:51 -- Deirdre's Lament 00:03:29 -- Sanctus ierarchia 00:07:05 -- Kyrie [Osterespiel, Notre Dame] 00:03:48 -- Hac in anni janua 00:01:51 -- The Gowans Are Gay 00:02:24 -- Ex te lux oritur 00:04:49 -- The Pleugh Sang 00:05:39 -- Salve festa dies 00:00:49 -- Dicant nunc Judei 00:02:20 -- O bone Jesu, a 19 00:12:14 -- Support Your Servant 00:04:33 -- Galliarde la Roine D'Ecosse 00:01:26 -- The Golden Pavan 00:03:44 -- Come My Children Dear 00:02:50 -- Why Should I Be So Sad on My Wedding Day 00:03:06 -- Dic mihi saeve puer 00:09:12 -- Sonata of Scots Tones 00:08:40 -- Ouvertüre B-Dur op. 1 Nr. 28 "Maid of the Mill" 00:08:20 -- Bagatelle 00:02:46 -- 3 Lieder 00:03:52 -- O Would that I Could See Again 00:02:40 -- I Will Think of Thee My Love 00:03:09 -- In the Glen 00:03:24 -- Benedictus op. 37 Nr. 3 00:08:54 -- Calgacus 00:03:25 --
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