Vocal Ensemble Music (Early Music, Sacred) - GAUTIER DE CHÂTILLON / SAINT-VICTOR, A. (Cathedrals - Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals)

- Titel: Vocal Ensemble Music (Early Music, Sacred) - GAUTIER DE CHÂTILLON / SAINT-VICTOR, A. (Cathedrals - Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals). Brule, Grace, Dichter/Text -- Gautier de Châtillon, , Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Saint-Victor, Adam de, Dichter/Text -- Tuotilo,, Komponist -- VocaMe, Ensemble
- Person(en): Gautier de Châtillon, [Komposition] ; Tuotilo, [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): VocaMe
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Christophorus, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Tota pulchra es [traditional korsisch, Text altchristlich, 14th century] 00:03:25 -- Ave Gloriosa Mater Salvatoris [13th-14th Centuries, Trope from the Monastery of Cividale, No. 56] 00:02:24 -- Sol sub nube latuit 00:04:03 -- La Messe de Tournai 00:02:05 -- O Maria, stella maris 00:04:08 -- Benedicamus [Codex Calixtinus, 12th century] 00:03:43 -- La Messe de Tournai 00:01:19 -- Baculi sollemnia [Conductus zum Fest der Beschneidung Christi (Manuscript F), Notre Dame Schule, 13th century] 00:04:26 -- Cuncti potens 00:03:05 -- Deus pacis [Conductus Segensspruch (Manuscript F), Notre Dame Schule, 13th century] 00:02:29 -- La Messe de Tournai 00:01:24 -- Salve mater salvatoris 00:04:05 -- Orbis factor [Graduale der Aliénor de Bretagne, 13th century] 00:05:02 -- La Messe de Tournai 00:01:32 -- Audi pontus [Motet: Codex Las Huelgas] 00:02:50 -- La Messe de Tournai 00:01:57 -- Audi pontus [Codex Las Huelgas, 13th century] 00:05:31 -- Circa mundi vesperam [Conductus zur Karwoche (Florence Manuscript), Notre-Dame-Schule, 13th century] 00:01:39 -- La Messe de Tournai 00:02:13 --
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