Clare College Choir, Cambridge - SCHUTZ, H. / TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I. / TAVENER, J. (Blessed Spirit: Music of the Soul's Journey)

- Titel: Music of the Soul's Journey) / Choral Concert. Barrett, Alexandra, Alt -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Brown, Timothy -- Byrd, William, Komponist -- Campion, Thomas, Komponist -- Clare College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Davies, John, Dichter/Text -- Donne, John, Dichter/Text -- Harris, William Henry, Komponist -- Harte, John, Tenor -- Helmbold, Ludwig, Dichter/Text -- Herman, Nikolaus, Dichter/Text -- Hildegard of Bingen,, Komponist -- Holst, Gustav, Komponist -- Huntly, Vanessa, Sopran -- Jupp, Alexander, Kantor -- Leon, Johann, Dichter/Text -- Lockhart, John Gibson, Dichter/Text -- Luther, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Saunders, John, Bass -- Schütz, Heinrich, Komponist -- Sheppard, John, Komponist -- Spenser, Edmund, Dichter/Text -- Tavener, John, Komponist -- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich, Komponist -- Thomas, Elin Manahan, Sopran -- Thomas, Reuben, Bass -- Vaughan, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Victoria, Tomás Luis de, Komponist
- Person(en): Byrd, William [Komposition] ; Campion, Thomas [Komposition] ; Harris, William Henry [Komposition] ; Hildegard of Bingen, [Komposition] ; Holst, Gustav [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Schütz, Heinrich [Komposition] ; Sheppard, John [Komposition] ; Tavener, John [Komposition] ; Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich [Komposition] ; Victoria, Tomás Luis de [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Clare College Choir, Cambridge
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Collegium, 2000
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Requiem aeternam 00:01:50 -- Kontakion of the departed 00:03:21 -- Musicalische Exequien op. 7 SWV 279-281 00:04:09 -- 9 Heilige Stücke 00:03:33 -- Funeral Ikos 00:08:18 -- Domine Jesu Christe 00:03:42 -- O quam gloriosum est regnum 00:02:47 -- Kurzes Requiem 00:04:16 -- The Evening-watch op. 43 Nr. 1 00:04:58 -- Steal away (bearb. von T. Brown) 00:03:14 -- Songs of Farewell 00:04:25 -- O quanta qualia sunt illa Sabbata (O was ihre Freude und ihr Ruhm sein muss) 00:03:30 -- Justorum animae 00:02:50 -- Deep river (bearb. von N. Luboff) 00:03:28 -- In paradisum 00:01:13 -- O felix anima 00:04:41 -- Audivi vocem de caelo 00:04:00 -- Faire is the Heaven 00:05:28 --
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