VOICES OF BYZANTIUM - Medieval Byzantine Chant from Mt. Sinai (Cappella Romana, Lingas)

- Titel: VOICES OF BYZANTIUM - Medieval Byzantine Chant from Mt. Sinai (Cappella Romana, Lingas). Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Cappella Romana, Chor -- Lingas, Alexander
- Organisation(en): Cappella Romana
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Cappella Romana, 2020
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Invitatorium [Mode Plagal 4: Sinai Ms. 1257, ca. 1332] 00:02:47 -- Proemium, "Psalm 103" [Mode Plagal 4] 00:01:50 -- Anoixantaria "St. John Koukouzeles" [Mode Plagal 4: Sinai Ms. 1257-1527, Athens Ms. 2458, ca. 1336] 00:07:53 -- Doxology of the Anoixantaria [Mode 2: Sinai Ms. 1257] 00:07:32 -- Psalm 140:1 [Kekragarion Psalms, Mode 1: Sinai Ms. 1255 (15th century)] 00:02:28 -- Psalm 140:2 [Kekragarion Psalms, Mode 1: Sinai Ms. 1255 (15th century)] 00:01:12 -- Psalm 140:3-5 [Kekragarion Psalms, Mode 1: Sinai Ms. 1255 (15th century)] 00:00:55 -- 3 Stichera Prosomoia for St. Catherine [Mode 1: Sinai Ms. 1250 (15th century)] 00:03:44 -- Doxastikon [Sticheron Idiomelon, Mode 2: Ms. Ambrosianus 139 A sup. (14th century)] 00:02:16 -- Doxastikon [Manuel Chrysaphes the Lampadarios, Mode Plagal 2: Ms. Sinai 1234, ca. 1469 (15th century)] 00:08:24 -- Sticheron [Mode 2: Sinai Ms. 1527, Ambrosianus 139 A sup. (14th century)] 00:04:54 -- Canticle I, Ode 7 [Sinai Ms. 1527 (14th century)] 00:06:30 -- Sticheron, "The Angel of the Lord came down" [Mode Plagal 4: Sinai Ms. 1527 (15th century)] 00:07:52 -- Conclusion of the First Canticle [Sinai Ms. 1527] 00:02:28 -- Canticle II, Ode 8 [Sinai Ms. 1527] 00:03:03 -- Kalophonic Sticheron, "When the tyrant saw" [Mode Plagal 4: Sinai Ms. 1257 (15th century)] 00:07:05 -- Conclusion of the Second Canticle [Sinai Ms. 1257] 00:03:21 --
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