Symphony No. 23, "Ani" / Spirit of Ink (Highline College Band, Shoreline College Band, Hovhaness)

- Titel: Symphony No. 23, "Ani" / Spirit of Ink (Highline College Band, Shoreline College Band, Hovhaness) / HOVHANESS, A.. Baron, Samuel, Flöte -- Highline College Band, Ensemble -- Hovhaness, Alan, Komponist -- Shoreline College Band, Ensemble
- Person(en): Hovhaness, Alan ; Hovhaness, Alan [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Highline College Band ; Shoreline College Band
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Crystal Records, 2003
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sinfonie Nr. 23 op. 249 "Ani": 1. Adagio legato espressivo; II. Allegro grazioso; III. Adagio con molta espressione / Hovhaness, Alan 00:38:09 -- Spirit of Ink op. 230: I. Apparition of the Eternal One; II. Sunrise Birds; III. Salutation of Dawn; IV. Tree of Birds; V. Apparition of a Celestial City; ... / Hovhaness, Alan 00:18:17 --
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