3 Shakespeare Songs / MARTIN, F.: Ariel / JEPPESEN, K.: 4 Shakespeare Songs / JOHANSON, S.: Fancies (Aarhus Academic Choir)

- Titel: Fancies (Aarhus Academic Choir) / VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R.. Aarhus Academic Choir, Chor -- Jeppesen, Knud, Komponist -- Johanson, Sven-Eric, Komponist -- Lindberg, Nils, Komponist -- Lutz, Martin, Komponist -- Martin, Frank, Komponist -- Most, Uffe -- Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko, Komponist -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Sorensen, Signe Buch, Klavier -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist
- Person(en): Jeppesen, Knud [Komposition] ; Johanson, Sven-Eric [Komposition] ; Lindberg, Nils [Komposition] ; Lutz, Martin [Komposition] ; Martin, Frank [Komposition] ; Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Aarhus Academic Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Danacord, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 3 Shakespeare Songs: No. 1. Full Fathom Five; No. 2. The Cloud-capp'd Towers; No. 3. Over Hill, Over Dale 00:06:10 -- 2 Love Songs: No. 1. Those Lips that Love's own Hand did Make; No. 2. How oft when Thou, Music, my Music, play'st 00:03:29 -- Ariel (Shakespeare: The Tempest): No. 1. Ariel's Song, "Come unto these yellow sands"; No. 2. Full fathom five; No. 3. Before you can say, Come and Go; No. 4. You are three men of sin; No. 5. Where the bee sucks, there suck; ... 00:11:21 -- O Mistress mine: Carpe Diem; A Madrigal; Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 00:06:50 -- 4 Shakespeare-Lieder: No. 1. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind; No. 2. Winter; No. 3. Spring; No. 4. Under the Greenwood Tree 00:06:08 -- 4 Shakespeare-Lieder: No. 1. Come Away, come away, death; No. 2. Lullaby; No. 3. Double, double toil and trouble; No. 4. Full fathom five 00:13:11 -- Fancies: No. 1. Sylvia; No. 2. Under the Greenwood Tree; No. 3. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind; No. 4. Fancy; No. 5. O Mistress Mine; ... 00:13:44 --
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